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Overcoming The Spirit Of Narcissim

As you listen to these teachings from Patricia King, you will learn what narcissism is, how it manifests, and the ways it operates.
Format | MP3 |
Speaker | Patricia King |
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There are many who are held captive by the spirit of narcissism. They are imprisoned by the deception of this wicked spirit, and caught up in its destructive and manipulative mindsets. But God is well able to overcome every aspect of this spirit. Jesus has set all free from every work of the enemy – including narcissism.You may know someone who is possessed by a full-blown spirit of narcissism. Perhaps you simply want to be sure you are free of its subtle traps and snares to give it no place in your life. As you listen to this three-MP3 teaching from Patricia King, you will learn what narcissism is, how it manifests, and the ways it operates. You will also be empowered to see this wicked spirit brought into the open and overcome!