Author of The Shack tells his story of sexual abuse on the mission field, father-wounding &...
Our guests today are Bruce and Lara Merz, part 2. Inspirational programming consisting of...
Here is an overview of the work that Revival Fires support at Papa's House in north east of...
Interview with Chuck Pierce "Going Beyond" part 2 - Prophetic Purpose for the United...
Let go of the former things and step into the new things God has in store for you in this season.
Patricia King and Robert Hotchkin share how God's goodness is available in every circumstance.
Dr. Foster describes the multiple ways by which God brings deliverance to those who are bound by...
As a subscriber, you have a personal profile page. Watch and learn about this benefit!
Iverna Tompkins offers deep wisdom on children and the fascination with the supernatural today. ...
Jeff Stow talks with Bonnis, 5 months after a deliverence that occurred in the Tipping the...
Steve Porter shares how Jesus wants us to be brave and step out into His rushing torrent of the...
There is more angelic activity than ever before in this generation. Learn how you can become...
Understand and gain insight on how easily God can heal through you! Get equipped, get started...
Aaron Winter learns David Hogan's greatest healing experience was the healing of a leper...
Cindy Jacobs shares about the power of the Holy Spirit and how it's available to everyone!
Listen and learn how to live in the space between impossibility and a sure thing. Part 1 of 4
Listen as Mae tells the story of what man did to her and what God is doing to heal and redeem it.
Patricia King's powerful message on knowing who you are and standing firm in times of trial
The nature of sex & porn addiction, homosexuality, pedophilia, & ephebophilia and how...
David describes the modern-day "Judas Church" that is arising all around us and which...
Christopher West teaching on what the Bible reveals to be God's creative intent for human...
El líder de la juventud en Éxodo da consejos importantes sobre cómo ministrar a la juventud que...
An insiders perspective on what it is like to grow up gay in the black church.
Here this amazing testimony of Kat Kerr who has been going to heaven since 1995. Yes Heaven is...
In this episode watch amazing testimonies of healing miracles from hearing loss being restored...
Love keeps no record of wrongs. As we become more like Jesus, we have to let go of past hurts...
In this episode of Encounter TV David's brother , Michael Hernandez, preaches a message on...
Watch as a young university student encounters a mirculous healing that doesn't fit inside...
On this edition of Encounter TV, David ministers from the Philippine Islands, answers a question...
Oneness with God is a profound revelation. Dr. Aiko shares the testimony of her first experience...
If God can speak through an ass in the Bible then why do we put limits on Him?
Louisa takes us on a journey through her troubled childhood and her former life as a prostitute...
The testimony of one man who found himself incapable of freedom from sex addiction, until he...
There are only two sources of supernatural power, evil and divine. Listen as Bobby Conner...
Recently been through a difficult season? Let God remove the layers of hurt, disappointment,...
This is a very encouraging word by Steve Porter using a strong prophetic dream the Lord gave him...
Tracey describes her life as part of a very dysfunctional family system, her sexual abuse and...
Katie shares part 1 of her 5 part series on demonic kings that can hinder healing. She...
Patricia King, Clarice Fluitt, Wendy Walters roundtable on personal identity
Information on how to partner with David Diga Hernandez in the evangelistic healing ministry.
Establish your time with the Lord in your current trials so He can give you heavenly perspective...
The national coordinator of "Living Waters" - a program for sexually broken people -...
Science has proven that we have 3 brains. The head, heart and the gut brain. When we deal with...
Dr. Aiko Hormann once again joins Patricia King to share some amazing insights about how science...
Join Patricia King for this powerful message and release of revival fire.
Healing The Whole Man 6th Hour Joan Hunter teaches how you can be healed, set free, and made...
David's story of a broken relationship with his father, the sexual brokenness that evolved...
How God can set and keep people free from bondage to pornography and other sexual bondages.
Jill shares how the Spirit of God moved on a woman during a massage she was receiving.
Quebrantada y sin esperanza, Harmony se convierte en un desnudista elite antes de encontrar al...
Pamela's story of growing up lesbian and what Jesus Christ has done to set her free and to...
How sex trafficking in the US differs from overseas & what The Home Foundation is doing to...
Revival Fires where invited to go to Kenya to preach the gospel of Jesus. Here are some of the...
It's time for us to get a second wind because we have to run the race with strength and...
The problem & solution to porn and its accompanying behaviors according to the principles...
Peter teaches on the consequences of sexual sin that must be reversed in the deliverance process.
How stress affects us and what natural medicine can do about it. Adrenal deficiency.
Mas historias de la gracia de Dios, amor y poder en las malas calles de Hollywood y el trabajo...
Part 2 of how human sexuality was designed to prefigure the marriage of God and redeemed man.
This man was in the last days of his life, afflicted with the AIDS virus. He was dramatically...
Patricia King teaches how to receive and activate prophetic words over your life.
Aaron Winter asks David Hogan to talk about "The Power of The Gospel"
Daniel talks about the amazing healing moments that God gave him after his departure from his...
Katie Souza upcoming event is a must see. Heal Your Past Restore Your Present will show you how...
The story of a man who was molested by a male and female during his childhood and the great...
Stress, pressure, worry - these things affect our lives on a daily basis. Our reactions to...
Enjoy this on health for the natural man, realizing just taking care of the supernatural man is...
God is preparing His people to become the Bride of His beloved Son and this excellent book will...
A young lady with no experience of a father's love finds freedom from homosexuality through...
This video will help you to walk in the true authority of the believer where nothing shall harm...
Find fullness, sufficiency and completeness in Christ as you spend time in the secret place and...
Jill explains the difference between living a religious life and becoming intimately connected...
This is a word for Steve who is in the cable business. God has put this business in your hands....
The way that inner healing and deliverance contributes to freedom from sexual sin.
Pt 1–libertad de las ataduras del alma, maldiciones familiares, falta de perdón, y fortalezas...
The true identity of the believer & how this revelation alone can set & keep a person...
Clayton continua describiendo el rescate de chicos perdidos en Hollywood. Incluye testimonios de...
Cindy discusses how she reaches out prophetically to the lost at Burning Man, Sundance Film...
Aaron Walsh, director of Tauranga House of Prayer, shares his vision for what God is doing in...
What has God promised you and you are still waiting for? God is want us to claim what He has...
How do we overcome the fear that is in our lives, we can choose to embrace the fulness of the...
There is a purpose for the current trials you are going through. Take courage, no weapon formed...
This song is off new album from Revival Fires that was recorded during the Firestorm Conference.
Using his own testimony, Steve talks about pornography, homosexuality and child sexual abuse and...
Cómo las heridas de un padre pueden llevar a un estilo de vida inmoral. Dios anhela llevar...
You will find that God can use you to bring healing and help to family, friends and literally...
We're coming into a very significant season in this era that the church is entering into....
Christie describes her childhood and adolescence and the growing attraction to females that...
Shelly had tendinitis in both of her wrists and was in pain for 20 years. Jesus healed her and...
Todd White and Patricia King talk about the healings and miracles happening out on the streets...
If we do what God said, and what He did, we'll have what He promised.
Nate shares his journey from porn addict to brother in Christ with other fellow strugglers.
Paul Cox's teaching on the depth mentioned in Psalm 139 and Romans 8, and on freedom and...
More healing testimonies from Brazil with Randy Clark and Global Awakening.
Paul Young, the author of "The Shack", shared his story of childhood sexual abuse and...
How a broken relationship with his father led to male prostitution & sexual addiction and...
Watch this amazing testimony how God delivered a young girl from purging 27 times a day. Stay...
An impassioned description of how the love and grace of God teach us to say "No" to...
Watch actual testimonies of children, as they describe the healing power of Jesus they received...
Keeran shares his thoughts about what bully's look like and what a child should do if it...
Jesus' witness that the entire moral law is still in effect, which includes prohibitions...
Joe's testimony of seduction and molestation as a young boy by pedophiles, years spent in...
Youth leader at Exodus gives important tips on ministering to youth who struggle with homosexual...
Stress, pressure, worry - these things affect our lives on a daily basis. Our reactions to...
The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. Resting in Him is what we need to learn.
Childhood homosexual confusion, eventual contraction of the AIDS virus, reconciliation with God...
I want to encourage all of you who love the Lord to exercise your right to vote. To ignore it is...
Watch as Danny Silk delves into the topic of the difference between consequences and punishment.
ドクター・レニー・マックリーンがクリスチャンとその教会が超自然的な力で動く必要性を語ります。 Dr. Renny McLean talks about the need of the...
How do we as Christians have influence in the spheres that we live our lives in?
As Melchizedek, Jesus intercedes for us. By discerning that intercession, we can follow...
La autora de Door of Hope cuenta su historia de abuso sexual, como Dios la sanó, and los efectos...
Learn to apply the 'test of three' before you speak to determine if what you are about...
Receive this great, prophetic word from Joan Hunter. Recently recorded at Brownsville Assembly...
Are you feeling like life is missing something? This powerful artistic message is for you.
God wants you to hear and know His voice so other people will know that He is real!
Short video on the history, present day and future of Randy Clark and the Apostolic Network of...
How do we react when we are hurt? Danny Silk explains a revolutionary concept in dealing with hurt.
Part 2 of this incredible 7 hour teaching by Charles and Frances Hunter will show you how lay...
Kat shares the story of a 13 year old she met in heaven and the amazing testimony that took...
Gana Gombojav is from Mongolia and has started one of the largest churches in Mongolia and has...
During our Love Revolution conference we caught up with Sheri Silk. Here is the interview in full.
God is calling His modern-day church to be built on the foundation of the apostles &...
At the close of this interview Aaron Winter has Hamilton Filmalter impart the fire of God onto a...
Our guests today are Al and Terry Purvis of Victory ASIA. We are talking about what they are...
El problema y la solución al porno y sus comportamientos adjuntos según los principios que...
ボビー・コナーは第3の天へ連れて行かれ、(2 Corinthians 12:1-2)...
Through words of knowledge and healing, two men are impacted for Jesus on the streets of Phoenix.
Listen as Trevor and Jason talk about some of the healings that took place: deaf ears opened,...
Its time to walk through the door of breakthrough that is standing open in front of us.
The reason God created us male and female. The reason satan tries to pervert human sexuality.
Tom can't remember a time when someone wasn't sexually abusing him, whether it was his...
Thought-provoking quotes and phrases to expand your Kingdom experience through the power of...
Our guest is Sarah Ball of Lethbridge. She will share about mental health and how God is healing...
God reveals through Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph how He desires blessing, prosperity,...
Elijah House historia del líder cuando fue abusado sexualmente de niño y la lucha subsiguiente...
On this episode of Encounter TV David prays for miracles and a recent Encounter Service, a man...
Discussions about sexual issues, such as masturbation, lust, pornography and immorality by a...
Deliverance from soul ties, family curses, unforgiveness, and demonic strongholds and on the...
John talks about his struggle with pornography & masturbation and how God has shown him the...
A specialized instruction course for believers to lay hands on the sick and see them recover.
Do you believe we can turn the world upside down and start a spiritual revolution with LOVE. ...
Learn how the Holy Spirit-inspired prayer in Ephesians reveals God's desire to fill you...
Skyler & Kim discuss which is more important when worshipping God. Worship or a perfectly...
Andy describes how to be led by the Holy Spirit in ministering to people who are bound and...
The Dance Between Chance and Choice: Transforming Possibility into Opportunity You can live...
When a Youth Group in Ohope, New Zealand, experiences encounters with God, nothing stays the same!
Cómo el abuso sexual y tener un padre que no sabía cómo comunicarse, amar y mostrar afecto...
Patricia King and Lou Engle release prophetic insights for the coming year.
Жизнь женщин наркоман секса и, как Бог может установить людей бесплатно.
Shelly had tendinitis in her wrists and in pain for twenty years. Jesus healed her and she has...
We pursue God’s gifts because we love Him. Desire the spiritual gifts because He’s going to...
How to hear the voice of God & overcome obstacles so you can enter into conversations with God!
The Lord gave me a vision of the plumb-line of God. Watch now and learn keys to gain access to...
Kim Clement shares prophetic word for Rosh Hoshana New Year.
A rescued sex trafficking survivor tells her harrowing story of abuse and freedom through Jesus...
Joan shares how you can rip off every label that the Lord didn't intend for you to have.
ジョン・ビビアがポルノ中毒に陥っていた時に、神から受けた啓示によって解放されたいきさつを赤裸々に正直に証しています。 John describes his previous...
Thom suffers through an arrest for solicitation and other challenges as he tries to remain...
Dr. Clarice Fluitt explains steps on how to make your dreams come true!
The scripture says the steps of the righteous have been designed and ordered by God. We must get...
David Hogan gives Aaron Winter an emotional and powerful testimony about being raised from the...
An endorsement for Patricia King and the work of the XP team.