Clay Crosse was addicted to porn. He & wife Renee tell the story of what Jesus can do to...
Our guest today is Evangelist Bill Prankard. Check out more about Dick and Joan Deweert on...
Patrica King and Charlie Robinson share about the the real, the mixture and the false. Bobby...
Angela is in a Zoom session with Derrick Gates on 622202 discussing his film From Death and...
Walter Heyer relates his fascinating life story while detailing the causes and effects of gender...
David Diga Hernandez leads a congregation into the manifest presence of God.
A short message by Steve Porter No matter what you are going through..your heart is surrounded...
Kat teaches on the importance of marriage and relationships to the Father. It's a symbol of...
In this interview, Dr. Paul Cox, Mike Velotta and Jeff Stow discuss Aslan's Plaace...
David talks about how God healed him and set him free from sexual sin & brokenness.
This video will acquaint you with the section where specific ministry pages are located.
Interview with Chuck Pierce "Going Beyond" part 2 - Prophetic Purpose for the United...
The Glory Zone - Episode 077 This is Part 2 with Bill Johnson and Sid Roth.
Bob discusses pressing into prophecies to overcome opposition and see their fulfillment,...
Aaron Walsh, director of Tauranga House of Prayer, shares his vision for what God is doing in...
Dr. Clarice Fluitt explains why you must create goals and vision to obtain your calling and...
The Chavdas discuss insights into their 30 years of ministry together, the keys to success for...
Teaching on soul ties, the passing down of the sins of the fathers, and freedom from demonic...
Kat answers a question that she is asked nearly every place she goes. Are my pets in heaven?
Author of Healing Through Deliverance gives us a tour thru the Bible as it pertains to demonic...
<div> What are the seven mountains? How does this message relate to our everyday...
Many of you have been in a difficult season of loss. The word of the Lord is for you is to go...
Have you ever seen gold dust and glory clouds during...
The team at Wellspring Living talks about their program to restore girls and women who have come...
David's story of a broken relationship with his father, the sexual brokenness that evolved...
How stress affects us and what natural medicine can do about it. Adrenal deficiency.
Our guest today is Carrie Carmichael from Toronto, Ontario. She has an amazing testimony. For...
For more on Dick and Joan Deweert, check out
We pursue God’s gifts because we love Him. Desire the spiritual gifts because He’s going to...
We have never been where we are going now. God is looking for a people to shine through!
This is a word for Steve who is in the cable business. God has put this business in your hands....
El autor del libro La Cabaña continua contando su historia de cómo fue lastimado por su padre y...
Its time to walk through the door of breakthrough that is standing open in front of us.
Using his own testimony, Steve talks about pornography, homosexuality and child sexual abuse and...
You can NOT afford to be biter. This is not a day to hold grudges. Forgive those who trespass...
The purpose of water baptism is that we are acknowledging that we identify with the death,...
One of the ways that going to help us achieve the commitment that we've made to ourselves...
Dr. Henslin discusses how damage to the brain through trauma or diet can lead to impulse...
Daniel talks about the amazing healing moments that God gave him after his departure from his...
Stacey discusses why the coming worldwide revival will involve primarily women and children at...
Raised in a Pentecostal church, molested by someone there, lived a profligate gay lifestyle. But...
「神の声」とはどんなものでしょうか?ニューワインインターナショナルのジョシュア・ミルズが神の声がどのようなものかを教えています。 Listen as Joshua teaches what...
El consejero principal de Enfoque en la Familia, el Dr. Bill Maier, habla sobre cómo la iglesia...
In this workshop, Peter describes the processes by which Christian leaders fall into sexual sin,...
Join others in spending a year of your life that will transform the rest of your life!
Part 2 of this incredible 7 hour teaching by Charles and Frances Hunter will show you how lay...
Patricia King speaks on watching the condition of your heart and ways to change if it's...
Angela Greenig on Elijah Streams Take Authority Over the Enemy in Your Life
Dr. Wilson tells the story of her own childhood sexual abuse and the process by which God healed...
During the Easter Season, we celebrate the wondrous sacrifice Jesus made for us on the Cross and...
The testimony of a woman who unknowingly married a homosexual man and who now runs a ministry to...
Patricia King's powerful message on how to receive the fullness of His generosity
Listen and learn how to live in the space between impossibility and a sure thing. Part 3 of 4
Our guest today is Sarah Ball, and we are continuing our chat with her on God's healing in...
We have recently finished our FireStorm conference. Here is a couple of testimonies that were...
Desvelando los esquemas del enemigo que mantienen a los creyentes atados al pecado, y cómo...
There are people that God will bring into your life, not necessarily to stroke you, but some of...
The Great Commission is not a task, but an invitation to friendship & intimacy with God....
Katie has traveled all over the country collection hundreds of amazing testimonies of healing...
This woman was driven for hours to our healing meetings in Malabar, Florida. She had a broken...
During the coming year we have the ability to contend for increase in everything that we do.
Incredible teaching on the cause and the healing of father-wounds and other aspects of the...
There is a level in the spiritual and physical where you can dwell above the snakes of the enemy.
Establish your time with the Lord in your current trials so He can give you heavenly perspective...
How do we live out of the faith that we have? Where does that faith come from?
Open up a whole new level of spiritual intimacy in your life every day! Learn a simple,...
How much we want God really determines the direction of our lives. Completely giving ourselves...
Kat explains her revelation of the trinity as she has seen on her visits to heaven.
The journey one couple took as the husband lived as a sex addict and finally found help through...
Como una relación quebrantada con Dios llevó a un hombre a la prostitución y adicción sexual y...
God will accelerate supernatural healings in the realm of a greater glory.
Pt 2 – Más sobre ataduras del alma, maldiciones familiares, perdón, la autoridad del creyente, y...
June tells the story of her own sexual abuse as a child and offers advice on how to overcome the...
The Lord has given you power to lay hands on the sick and pray for them and they will recover....
It's TIME! Join the movement! 'Arise with Susan' You were created for this!...
How big of a bridge would you need to close in the gap between where you are and where you are...
As a channel host, you have (3) free 180x150 ads for your use. This will show you how to use them.
Discouragement steals our confidence and joy. Learn what the Bible says on thoughts of...
Robert Hotchkin releases a deliverance prayer for freedom and release.
Quebrantada y sin esperanza, Harmony se convierte en un desnudista elite antes de encontrar al...
David continues talking about sexual sin & brokenness and how God delivers and sets free the...
How to create an attitude of success and then sustain it, regardless of the surroundings.
Interview with Chuck Pierce "Going Beyond" Part 1 - Strategies and Models of God
Pastor Che' Ahn addresses some recent words spoken over California in this episode of The...
All power in heaven and earth has been invested in the name of Jesus. That name has been given...
In this episode of Encounter TV, David Diga Hernandez preaches a message on the armor of God, a...
Kat shares the story of a 13 year old she met in heaven and the amazing testimony that took...
How a broken relationship with his father led to male prostitution & sexual addiction and...
Pt 2 - How father-wounds can lead to immoral lifestyles and how God longs to bring healing...
Through words of knowledge and healing, two men are impacted for Jesus on the streets of Phoenix.
Bobby shares a prophetic word that caused a shift in the region he was ministering. It's...
God is in your trials. Sometimes the most difficult seasons of your life can be the most life...
The Salvation Army has been at the forefront of ministry to sex trafficking victims worldwide...
A powerful story of a church elder's secret descent into sex addiction & adultery, and...
Watch Dr. Aiko now and learn how to make the left and right hemispheres of the brain harmonize.
America has some serious issues going on right now and we have the privilege to vote and make a...
The apostle Paul visited Heaven and received a revelation of the mystery, the eternal plan and...
Aaron Winter kicks off an interview with Hamilton Filmalter about the hunger in the Middle East...
Patricia King on making it through a life transition or change successfully
John describes his previous struggle with porn and the revelations that God gave him that set...
How do we as Gods people begin to have an influence in todays society?
What is the ancient mystery revealing about the future of the United States? 9.11,crashing of...
Watch these amazing testimonies of healing miracles collected from Katie's latest...
John Mark discusses how he was shown the impending Katrina disaster in the New Orleans area, and...
Dr. Townsend discusses the struggle we have with the pain that God allows in our lives, and how...
Joshua Hubbell continues to expand on what it means to be seated with Christ in part 3 of this...
Dr. Foster describes the multiple ways by which God brings deliverance to those who are bound by...
Bobby shares about suicide revealed as well as someone who is confused about their sexuality.
Una historia ponderosa del secreto más viejo de la iglesia lleva a la adicción sexual y al...
Filmed in beautiful New Wilmington, PA. The Heavenly Bridegroom is waiting for a mature bride....
Find fullness, sufficiency and completeness in Christ as you spend time in the secret place and...
Part 4 of this 4 part series on how the light of Jesus can heal your soul and body.
Serving idols will leave you idle. David exposes one of the greatest idols in the church world...
Dr. Mungadze describes his work with sexually broken people utilizing right brain therapy.
ジョシュア・ミルズとパトリシア・キングが神の栄光がどのような形で地上で現され、どうやってその超自然の領域に入ることができるか分かち合います。 Joshua Mills and...
Trevor personally invites you to our upcoming Equipping Weekends in February
A fragrance will come from our lives and this sweet aroma will inspire others to also seek God...
Steve and Curt discuss the Gideon's Army Israel Tour that they will be leading together...
How a broken relationship with his father led to male prostitution & sexual addiction and...
Kat shares her testimony and how God started preparing her at an early age for supernatural...
Shawn Bolz on how to receive, process, and take action on a prophetic word given to you.
One of the more damaging effects of childhood trauma are the lies that are believed as a result....
-What are the four spiritual realms. -How do you discern the four spirit realms. -The function...
Patricia King, Clarice Fluitt, Wendy Walters roundtable on personal identity
Abraham y Moises representan las dos formas de hacerse justo delante de Dios: por las obras de...
Much of what we do can be fear-based, but we think it's faith-based and become confused...
Tracey completes the story of her life and the beautiful ways that God has brought redemption.
David shares his life of sexual brokenness, salvation and transformation through Jesus Christ.
It’s important for you to have a clear, well defined goal and vision. The stronger and more...
How do we step into the promise, see Jesus with our own eyes and become sons of the living God?
In this episode of Encounter TV, David Diga Hernandez gives a message about his dream of Heaven,...
Dr. Clarice Fluitt shares on transformation and the importance of life coaching.
Todd explains how it works when you see and do what you see the Father do.
Graham Cooke addresses the difference between false prophecy and poor prophecy.
Dick is preaching a message at Third Day on how to keep the family strong.
Sy Rogers asks “The Lads” about sexual struggles that teens have & how they've dealt...
John talks about his struggle with pornography & masturbation and how God has shown him the...
神は起こる事全てを支配しているのか?-Dan Mohler & Todd White "Is God in control of everything that happens?
Patricia Kings shares a powerful prophetic message for you to set things in blessed divine order...
Through your giving, you can invest in a generation of Revival Children. Be part of breaking the...
Part 4 of the series of "Faith to Move Mountains. The Prayer of Faith comes from the heart...
The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. Resting in Him is what we need to learn.
In this episode of Encounter TV, David Diga Hernandez ministers healing in Lawndale, CA, a...
An outstanding teaching on how the grace of God heals the orphaned spirit and the accompanying...
A powerful story of living a double life while growing up lesbian in the black church, finally...
Joe's testimony of seduction and molestation as a young boy by pedophiles, years spent in...
Ian Johnson shares how we can make the transition from a powerless Christianity to a dynamic...
The author of Escaping the Devil's Bedroom, Dawn Jewell describes what she found in cities...
Patricia King on making it through a life transition or change successfully
Patricia King, Joan Hunter, Katie Souza and Charity Bradshaw share about women's issues, ...
FEARLESS PARENTING presents the biblical guidelines and practical solutions to one of...
The journey one couple took as the husband lived as a sex addict and finally found help through...
Aaron gives a testimony of an open vision, getting saved from a suicide bomber, and witnessing...
Dr. Clarice Fluitt joins Patricia King to expose the lies that have held women back, in order to...
Find fullness, sufficiency and completeness in Christ as you spend time in the secret place and...
An endorsement for Patricia King and the work of the XP team.
Dr. Clarice Fluitt shares from an experience that taught her about the power of taking the word...
Let God remove the veils from your mind so you can see the new things He is trying to bring into...
Heidi Baker's documentary movie, Compelled By Love - Official Trailer (Japanese...
Dr. Clarice Fluitt explains steps on how to make your dreams come true!
Craig describe uno de los efectos del trauma infantil, las mentiras que se creen como resultado,...
What is the ancient mystery revealing about the future of the United States? 9.11,crashing of...
At the conclusion of the interview session, Aaron Winter asks David Hogan to pray a prayer of...
Tracey describes her life as part of a very dysfunctional family system, her sexual abuse and...