
Throne Room Intercession PROMO NEW

Pray effectively for God's will to manifest on the earth as it is in heaven.

The Power Of Your Testimony

Dr. Clarice Fluitt shares from an experience that taught her about the power of taking the word...

Restoring Broken Foundations

Patricia shares a teaching on the restoration of broken foundations.

Bobby Conner-Hordes of Hell are coming to earth「地獄の軍団が地上に来る」

ボビー・コナーは第3の天へ連れて行かれ、(2 Corinthians 12:1-2)...

Jenna Quinn - Redeeming Child Abuse

Jenna was sexually abused by her father's best friend, who was also her best friend's...

The Power of Words

There are power in the words we speak. The Bible says: "Life and death are in the power of...

Get Out Of The Cage

Evangelist Joshua Hubbell uses insightful and humorous illustrations to show how Jesus has set...

Into The Deep Promo

What the prophets are saying for 2018

Why Were You Born?

Patricia King on the importance of knowing your God-given purpose.

Lifeline Today with Dick and Joan, episode 40

We'll hear Dick preaching on guarding your heart.

「霊・魂・体の調整」 (Dr. Aiko-Spirit Soul Body Alignment)

ホーマン・あいこ博士:人工知能と脳の研究を40年以上続けている日本人の科学者 Dr. Aiko Hormann, who was born in Japan, was a Research...

Healing Your Soul 5 with Katie Souza

This is the final episode in this beginning series on how the wounds in our soul may be causing...