<div> God is raising up Davids in this nation today. What are the implications to...
Tom can't remember a time when someone wasn't sexually abusing him, whether it was his...
Our guest today is Sarah Ball, and we are continuing our chat with her on God's healing in...
Learn about the expansion of Government and understanding the King and what His place is.
The Dance Between Chance and Choice: Transforming Possibility into Opportunity You can live...
We have recently finished our FireStorm conference. Here is a couple of testimonies that were...
See how to be transformed from (1) an orphan spirit or (2) a slavery spirit into a confident...
Kat talks about the mystery of death and what happens to Christians when they die.
Using his own testimony, Steve talks about pornography, homosexuality and child sexual abuse and...
Patricia King's message on how believers must stand in these times of turmoil
Katie will release healing and show you how to position yourself to receive miracles in your own...
Myesha shares how it is important to be planted in a church in order to help receive your healing.
What does God look like? What is His nature? David reveals from scripture, the face of the...
A journey through the circumstances under which deliverance is required for a sexually broken...
Kay speaks frankly about her life of adultery before Christ and the power of God that forgave...
Kat has had many heavenly encounters. In this segment she shares about our gifts and how God...
This woman came hundreds of miles to our service to be healed of terminal cancer. She was...
Pastor Berger describes how Jesus' teaching on the spirit of the Law applies to the battle...
Watch as a young university student encounters a mirculous healing that doesn't fit inside...
There is more angelic activity than ever before in this generation. Learn how you can become...
Our guest is Pastor Craig Buroker talking about NEW LEVELS. Inspirational programming...
Pamela comparte de cómo creció siendo lesbiana y lo que Jesucristo ha hecho para liberarla y...
How to create an attitude of success and then sustain it, regardless of the surroundings.
Evangelist Joshua Hubbell uses insightful and humorous illustrations to show how Jesus has set...
As a channel host you have (6) free links and an additional link to your donation portal.
Love keeps no record of wrongs. As we become more like Jesus, we have to let go of past hurts...
Part 1 of this 4 part series on how the light of Jesus can heal your soul and body.
Kim discusses how he learned to prophesy as a young convert in South Africa, presidential...
A struggle with lesbianism & self-hatred, & the healing that God brought into her life...
Have you ever been defeated by negative emotions such as anger, fear, guilt, inferiority,...
Kathy tackles the hard questions surrounding child abuse and neglect and offers God solution.
Biblical teaching on God's design for sex, available to anyone who will turn their life...
Patricia King teaches on the power of the favor of God to transform your life as a believer in...
Steve speaks on how to encounter the Holy Spirit. Our fellowship with the Holy Spirit is of...
Kat answers a question that she is asked nearly every place she goes. Are my pets in heaven?
Our guest today is Charlotte Quist from Grande Prairie, Alberta, Canada. She's talking...
Prophecy is a foundation that many believers do not think they can stand on. With this...
There is a coming flood of glory. Tap into it and be on the cutting edge of what God is doing in...
Live testimonies of healing miracles, captured on video at the Healing School in Tempe, Arizona.
Patricia King, Joan Hunter, Katie Souza and Charity Bradshaw share about women's issues, ...
Dr. Clarice Fluitt shares prophetic insight for 2015. God lives in an ever present now. He...
Patricia King on making it through a life transition or change successfully
Breaking free from the frustration of powerless Christianity and experiencing the power of God...
Continuing the exploration of the biblical meaning behind God creating us male and female - the...
Kris Vallotton shares the meaning of sex and sexuality that God has given him for this present...
Secrets of His Kingdom. Is 11,importance of knowing Holy Spirit, 7 Spirits of God,Spirit of...
Dr. Clarice Fluitt shares a miraculous experience that she had while visiting another country.
In 1909, there was a prophetic word about the glory of the Lord in 100 years - that time is now!
True favor comes when we have a sincere heart to know God and His ways. God only responds to the...
Kat shares how heaven operates, including food, travel, fuel, flowers, aromas, and what...
Souls saved in Ensenada at an evangelistic miracle service hosted by David Diga Hernandez.
God is an artist and a poet, and you are His work of art in process. Ephesians 2:10 says “we are...
Human hearts are desperately searching for healing and hope! God has called us to a serious...
Patricia King demonstrates the power of God and shows you how to live as Christ intended full of...
After living for years as an actor and model in Hollywood, surviving a near-death experience,...
Patricia King's powerful message on the power of prayer and faith to accomplish the impossible.
Watch Katie as she shares her story of her wild youth as a meth cook in Hollywood and God's...
El Dr. Townsend discute la lucha que pasamos con el dolor en nuestras vidas, y como podemos...
In this episode of Encounter TV, David Diga Hernandez discusses with guest, Michael Koulianos,...
The official video conference set to air 10 am October 1, 2009 (ist) with Steve Porter and Rick...
Patricia King's message on how believers must stand in these times of turmoil
Los Kylstras nos muestran como maldiciones y experiencias dolorosas pueden llevar a las personas...
Cindy discusses how she reaches out prophetically to the lost at Burning Man, Sundance Film...
I'm persuaded that we're moving more into a realm of Incarnational Christianity. The...
Unveiling the schemes of the enemy that keep believers bound to sin, and how we can find freedom...
Graham Cooke on the The Way of the Warrior Series. Qualities of a Spiritual Warrior, Manifesting...
Part 2 of this 4 part series on how the light of Jesus can heal your soul and body.
Our guest today is Rod Hembree, host of Quick Study. For more on Dick and Joan Deweert, check...
Interview with Surprise Sithole and Randy Clark on Dead being raised in Africa.
Going through rough trials and circumstances? Find your rest by trusting in who God is and that...
Angela Williams discloses the horrors that she experienced at the hands of a sexually perverse...
<div> How can the seven mountain mandate be integrated into a local church?</div>
How stress affects us and what natural medicine can do about it. Adrenal deficiency.
ボビー・コナーは第3の天へ連れて行かれ、(2 Corinthians 12:1-2)...
The idea of writing a book can be such a challenge to even consider, that for those who have...
God doesn't want us to live with stress. Listen and find out how to become totally stress free.
An compelling teaching on how to turn strongholds that were meant to defeat you into strengths...
How a lack of connection with his father, loneliness and a sensitive temperament led to...
Can you trust in and rest in your heavenly Father's arms during the storms and trials in...
As Christ Ambassadors, you can stand in the earth and make intercession for the world that you...
During the Easter Season, we celebrate the wondrous sacrifice Jesus made for us on the Cross and...
Interview taped at the Voice of the Prophets conference in Harrisburg, PA
Aaron Winter kicks off an interview with Hamilton Filmalter about the hunger in the Middle East...
Kat teaches on the importance of marriage and relationships to the Father. It's a symbol of...
Amazing healing of a young girl who was blind from birth and now sees!
Who are the false prophets of our day? Can believers get along even if they don't agree on...
In her New York Times bestsellers Going Rogue and America by Heart, Sarah Palin revealed the...
Dr. Aiko Hormann shares Part 1 of a 3 part series regarding the definition of quantum field...
<div> Elizabeth reveals what it is like to live with an international speaker.</div>
Becca continues to teach and tell stories of how Jesus sets the captive free through spiritual...
Mike gives an excellent teaching on how to walk away from the wound of rejection in order to...
A Miracle is Worth a Million Words. Frances Hunter teaches from the book of John in this 2 part...
Fiona talks about the foundation of love and relationship with God that must be developed for...
Receive grace from the Lord that will sustain you for everything that you are going through.
This page has basic Christian teachings. This is a good place to lead new believers and the...
Tracey completes the story of her life and the beautiful ways that God has brought redemption.
The Glory Zone - Episode 076 In this episode of the Glory Zone we join David and Stephanie at...
Patricia King's message on how believers must stand in these times of turmoil
-What are the four spiritual realms. -How do you discern the four spirit realms. -The function...
Patricia King's powerful message on how to receive the fullness of His generosity
Patricia shares a tool with you about dream boarding. This tool will help you get the vision...
Encounter TV Ancient Truth for the Modern World On this edition of Encounter TV, David...
Graham Cooke addresses the difference between false prophecy and poor prophecy.
How the love and grace of God teach us to say "No" to ungodliness and to be eager to...
Katie has traveled all over the country collection hundreds of amazing testimonies of healing...
Todd explains how it works when you see and do what you see the Father do.
-What are the four spiritual realms. -How do you discern the four spirit realms. -The function...
Let go of the former things and step into the new things God has in store for you in this season.
Has anyone ever pushed your buttons? Dr. Aiko addresses triggering mechanisms in our brain when...
Whilst Revival Fires where in Kenya they went on to a tip to feed the people on there. Listen as...
Our guest in today's show is Shaila Visser of Alpha Canada, and she'll be sharing a...
The author of Everyman's Battle discusses sex addiction and offers practical solutions for...
この若い女性は骨と筋肉の稀な病気によって支え無しに歩くことができませんでした。イエスの御名によって奇跡が起こります! This young lady could not walk...
Sy Rogers asks “The Lads” about sexual struggles that teens have & how they've dealt...
Our guests today are Kenn and Donna Haase, sharing about their life of missions.
There are benefits to obeying God during the dry or difficult seasons of your life.
What is the ancient mystery revealing about the future of the United States? 9.11,crashing of...
In this episode of Encounter TV, David Diga Hernandez preaches a message on the armor of God, a...
We believe that by watching and implementing this message into your life, God will bring you...
El pastor de Christ Church -Nashville comparte información importante sobre el testimonio...
King David says in the 23rd Psalm that your cup is already running over with blessing and...
How big of a bridge would you need to close in the gap between where you are and where you are...
A look deep inside the mind and heart of the person trapped in bondage to porn and masturbation,...
Jon McKenzie works with hard men and he shares how releasing the power of God in the work place...
Encounter TV Ancient Truth for the Modern World On this edition of Encounter TV, David...
Pastor Berger continues to describe the biblical model for finding freedom from sexual sin.
Its time to walk through the door of breakthrough that is standing open in front of us.
Stories of trafficked girls & "lady boys" rescued from the streets of the world...
Aaron Winter learns David Hogan's greatest healing experience was the healing of a leper...
The Salvation Army has been at the forefront of ministry to sex trafficking victims worldwide...
David Diga Hernandez ministers a simple and anointed evangelistic message. Share with your...
"The Soaking Place" is a weekly video webcast, created for those that feel a deep...
Jill shares how dreams, visions and the supernatural realm intersects with our everyday lives.
You can walk in divine health and healing.Understand causes of sickness and disease. Recognize...
Deliverance from soul ties, family curses, unforgiveness, and demonic strongholds and on the...
Jill explains the difference between living a religious life and becoming intimately connected...
Prophecy is a foundation that many believers do not think they can stand on. With this...
Angela is in a Zoom session with Derrick Gates on 622202 discussing his film From Death and...
Dr. Aiko Hormann once again joins Patricia King to share some amazing insights about how science...
In this workshop, Peter describes the processes by which Christian leaders fall into sexual sin,...
A scholarly discussion on what the biblical text & the early Church tell us about homosexual...
The Dance Between Chance and Choice: Transforming Possibility into Opportunity You can live...
Kat shares the story of a 13 year old she met in heaven and the amazing testimony that took...
When you are corrected, take a deep breath and refuse to be rejected. Listen to what people have...
Heidi relata historias del rescate de chicos sexualmente dañados en África y el poder curativo y...
ドクター・レニー・マックリーンがクリスチャンとその教会が超自然的な力で動く必要性を語ります。 Dr. Renny McLean talks about the need of the...
Patricia King on making it through a life transition or change successfully
Our guests are Shaila Visser and John Kivell from Alpha Canada.
This powerful message speaks of the doors that we open and other doors that God opens.
Remove the obsticles that are attempting to stand in the way of your purpose and passion!...
Our guest is Rob Parker of the National House Of Prayer in Ottawa. He has an amazing story to...
Women on the Frontlines Business Panel with Dr. Pat Francis, Patricia King, Clarice Fluitt...
Tom can't remember a time when someone wasn't sexually abusing him, whether it was his...