
Tráfico sexual in América - StaciaFreeman

Hablamos sobre el tráfico sexual dentro y fuera los EEUU, y como una fundación rescata y...

Plumb Line Of God

The Lord gave me a vision of the plumb-line of God. Watch now and learn keys to gain access to...

Guard Your Thoughts

Dr. Clarice Fluitt shares about the importance of how you engage your thought patterns.

4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice - Session 1

Open up a whole new level of spiritual intimacy in your life every day! Learn a simple,...

「真の教会になろう!」 Stop Doing Church, but Be The Church!- Chri

自分を「クリスチャン」と呼ぶ全ての人へのメッセージです。 This is a message for those who call themselves...

David Hogan Interviewed by Aaron Winter

Full length interview of David Hogan by Aaron Winter at the Catch Heaven's Flame Conference...

Sarah Palin's new book protects the heart of Christmas

In her New York Times bestsellers Going Rogue and America by Heart, Sarah Palin revealed the...

Sustaining Grace

Receive grace from the Lord that will sustain you for everything that you are going through.

「神の小さい声を聞くとは」 Joshua Mills- God's Small Voice

「神の声」とはどんなものでしょうか?ニューワインインターナショナルのジョシュア・ミルズが神の声がどのようなものかを教えています。 Listen as Joshua teaches what...

Counseled by God - Session 1

Have you ever been defeated by negative emotions such as anger, fear, guilt, inferiority,...

"What is God Like? Does He Exist?" - Encounter TV: Episode 4

Encounter TV Ancient Truth for the Modern World S:1 E:4 On this edition of Encounter TV,...