Watch these amazing testimonies of Bone miracles collected from Katie's latest conferences....
Enjoy this collection of people getting impacted by the love of Jesus on the streets of Phoenix.
自分を「クリスチャン」と呼ぶ全ての人へのメッセージです。 This is a message for those who call themselves...
Hablamos sobre el tráfico sexual dentro y fuera los EEUU, y como una fundación rescata y...
Joan discusses homosexuality in the Church, restoring the fallen, every believer can be used to...
Are you under someones negative perception of you? Shake off this pessimism. Jesus came to...
Kay speaks frankly about her life of adultery before Christ and the power of God that forgave...
Robert Hotchkin releases a deliverance prayer for freedom and release.
Worship in the throne room is such a delightful place. Kat shares her visit to the throne room.
Souls saved in Ensenada at an evangelistic miracle service hosted by David Diga Hernandez.
During our recent Secret Place Conference Paul Keith Davis shared with us the message of...
<div> Do you need a church? Do you long to be part of a family of believers? Daystar...
Thom suffers through an arrest for solicitation and other challenges as he tries to remain...
Breaking free from the frustration of powerless Christianity and experiencing the power of God...
Dr. Clarice Fluitt shares why fathers are important in a child's life and how Father God...
How big of a bridge would you need to close in the gap between where you are and where you are...
Bobby Conner receives a word from the Lord to challenge a coven of witches who came to his meeting.
Gènesis 1 revela que el propòsito eterno de Dios es transformarte y hacerte conforme a su...
A young lady with no experience of a father's love finds freedom from homosexuality through...
Part 4 of the series of "Faith to Move Mountains. The Prayer of Faith comes from the heart...
Patricia King releases healing and love over mothers and all those with wounds of lose, abuse,...
Entendiendo las causas de la efebofilia y la pedofilia y qué se puede hacer para llevar sanidad...
Dutch discusses his encounter with the spirit of Baal, what it is, how it affects society, and...
More healing testimonies from Brazil with Randy Clark and Global Awakening.
This miracle took place in the NW part of South Africa and this woman had a kidney disease that...
Using his own testimony, Steve talks about pornography, homosexuality and child sexual abuse and...
Hope for Homeless Youth rescata chicos de las calles de Hollywood. Es un ministerio del Dream...
A specialized instruction course for believers to lay hands on the sick and see them recover.
A revivalist is a person who lives for the Kingdom. A bond servant willing to lay down his life...
Patricia King's prophetic insight of the coming season and the power of God's love and...
We are all called to carry the anointing of God within our sphere of influence. What is your sphere?
We've never been in a season like this before. God is blowing a whistle and putting tools...
How sexual abuse & having a father who did not know how to communicate love & affection...
Doug explains some of the meaning behind the most common dreams that we dream.
Stop using Satan's bat to beat yourself up - there is no condemnation in Christ Jesus
Dios quiere que recibas la gran bendición del pacto – la bendición de Abraham.
Listen and learn how to live in the space between impossibility and a sure thing. Part 4 of 4
My friend Kevin Zadai died and has a message burning in him to share with us! Get ready to...
The scripture commands us to pray for those in authority. Watch your words and be sure to vote...
Lee reveals the story of early exposure to porn, sexual abuse as a teenager and the marriage...
You can put your trust in God regardless of your situation. Part of your salvation must include...
King David says in the 23rd Psalm that your cup is already running over with blessing and...
This episode is Part 4 of a 5 part series on how the wounds in our soul may be causing all kinds...
David describes the various means by which we can resist temptation by God's power and...
Evangelist Joshua Hubbell uses insightful and humorous illustrations to show how Jesus has set...
In this installment of Encounter TV, David Diga Hernandez ministers from Colorado Springs on how...
Un hombre casado contrajo el SIDA al inicio de la pandemia y ha sobrevivido con la ayuda de su...
The poverty spirit seeps into the soul. Cindy Jacobs shares how to move past the spirit of lack...
Brazilian Davy Maia discusses how God gave him his music ministry with the saxophone, the effect...
Robert Hotchkin releases a deliverance prayer for freedom and release.
Jon McKenzie works with hard men and he shares how releasing the power of God in the work place...
The Glory Zone - Episode 077 This is Part 2 with Bill Johnson and Sid Roth.
-What are the four spiritual realms. -How do you discern the four spirit realms. -The function...
Kat answers questions that have been asked of her regarding our guardian angels.
The team at Wellspring Living talks about their program to restore girls and women who have come...
Katie will release healing and show you how to position yourself to receive miracles in your own...
Our guest is Pastor Craig Buroker of Southside Victory Church in Calgary, AB, Canada, and...
Kat addresses a lot of questions that people have sent in to her about heaven.
Jesus came to preach the Kingdom's domain alerting the body to WAKE UP. The old prophetic...
Teaching on soul ties, the passing down of the sins of the fathers, and freedom from demonic...
Learn how the Holy Spirit-inspired prayer in Ephesians reveals God's desire to fill you...
In this episode of Encounter TV, David Diga Hernandez completes his message from Huntington...
Let God pull the pain out of you so He can instill the promise in you.
An incredible testimony of a creative miracle. Mia is healed of a skin disease in a healing...
Joan Hunter teaches how you can be healed, set free, and made totally whole body, soul, and...
During our recent Prophetic Seers Conference we managed to catch up with Bobby Conner. Listen as...
Discouragement steals our confidence and joy. Learn what the Bible says on thoughts of...
During "The Encounter Conference" Dr. Aaron Winter explains how the Kingdom of God and...
An outstanding teaching on how the grace of God heals the orphaned spirit and the accompanying...
The interview in this episode is a little different: Dick will be interviewing Joan!! Joan will...
The way that inner healing and deliverance contributes to freedom from sexual sin.
Our soul is the area that makes all of our decisions. The scripture says God saves the spirit,...
Who are the false prophets of our day? Can believers get along even if they don't agree on...
Watch amazing testimonies of healing miracles, when you soak in the Glory Light of Jesus.
David finally tells the story of his fall from grace as a preacher's kid into horrendous...
Reflections taken from a message from Steve Porter on Lukewarmness in the Church and the cure!
In her New York Times bestsellers Going Rogue and America by Heart, Sarah Palin revealed the...
Patricia King's powerful prophetic word of abundance and prosperity over God's children.
Aaron Winter kicks off an interview with Hamilton Filmalter about the hunger in the Middle East...
Patricia King teaches on the power of the favor of God to transform your life as a believer in...
Jenna was sexually abused by her father's best friend, who was also her best friend's...
Dr. Clarice Fluitt explains steps on how to make your dreams come true!
Continue to soak in the truths about how God imparts favor and influence your world for Him! ...
Do you need to be set free of something? Do you have a loved one who needs to be set free?...
The word says that we are to posses the land. God wants us to be blessed in every area of our...
Do you often wake up feeling there was a significant message in your dream, but aren’t sure what...
ボビー・コナーは第3の天へ連れて行かれ、(2 Corinthians 12:1-2)...
Watch as Danny Silk delves into the topic of the difference between consequences and punishment.
Using his own testimony, Steve talks about pornography, homosexuality and child sexual abuse and...
Encounter TV Ancient Truth for the Modern World On this edition of Encounter TV, David...
Dr. Mark Chironna shares a word for the New Year. Hidden Kingdom blessings are coming to the...
Dr. Clarice Fluitt shares tips on the importance on life coaching. What it is and why everyone...
Using homosexuality as the example, David describes how God inspires and enables us to walk free...
We believe that by watching and implementing this message into your life, God will bring you...
Like Jesus, you can walk and live by the Spirit! This series trains you how to define and sense...
David describes the ways that God leads us into obedience motivated by love.
Lost souls call out. "Give me souls or I will die!" Do you carry a burden for the Lost?
An electric atmosphere, spiritually hungry teens and a mighty glory resting on the people.
In times of trial, be not shaken, God is your refuge and your strength.
A specialized instruction course for believers to lay hands on the sick and see them recover.
Kat shares the testimony of how growing up in a large family will teach you humility.
Stress, pressure, worry - these things affect our lives on a daily basis. Our reactions to...
Patricia King shares about the power of love and the dynamics of relationships.
Katie shares part 2 of her 5 part series on demonic kings that can hinder healing. She explains...
The apostle Paul visited Heaven and received a revelation of the mystery, the eternal plan and...
As a subscriber, you have a personal profile page. Watch and learn about this benefit!
Raised in a Pentecostal church, molested by someone there, lived a profligate gay lifestyle. But...
Patricia King interviews Cindy McGill about creative ways to take the light into the darkness to...
Louisa takes us on a journey through her troubled childhood and her former life as a prostitute...
Many people are misaligned and there are many symptoms. It's important that your body find...
Revival Fires where invited to go to Kenya to preach the gospel of Jesus. Here are some of the...
Sy Rogers asks “The Lads” about sexual struggles that teens have & how they've dealt...
Dick is speaking about what he is sensing for this coming year.
Jill shares how the Spirit of God moved on a woman during a massage she was receiving.
Jeff Stow talks with Bonnis, 5 months after a deliverence that occurred in the Tipping the...
Dick and Joan share a portion of their story of failure and redemption. For the FULL story,...
Steve and Curt discuss the Gideon's Army Israel Tour that they will be leading together...
Kat shares the story of a 13 year old she met in heaven and the amazing testimony that took...
Our guests today are Kenn and Donna Haase, sharing about their life of missions.
Benji Alexander shares his amazing experiences of miracles on the streets of New Zealand in this...
Lance discusses how Christians are called to demonstrate God, outside of the four walls of the...
Receive this great, prophetic word from Joan Hunter. Recently recorded at Brownsville Assembly...
When a young suicidal man in New Zealand experiences the power of God touching him his life is...
There are power in the words we speak. The Bible says: "Life and death are in the power of...
Sy Rogers asks “The Lads” about sexual struggles that teens have & how they've dealt...
ホーマン・あいこ博士:人工知能と脳の研究を40年以上続けている日本人の科学者 Dr. Aiko Hormann, who was born in Japan, was a Research...
There are mysteries that have been sealed up since the days of Daniel that will be opened in...
Are the odds stacked against you? Watch ' Arise with Susan' and crush those odds!...
There is a love cry from God's heart for Israel. I hear the heart of God saying; "Will...
Encounter TV Ancient Truth for the Modern World S:1 E:4 On this edition of Encounter TV,...
Una historia ponderosa del secreto más viejo de la iglesia lleva a la adicción sexual y al...
God is preparing His people to become the Bride of His beloved Son and this excellent book will...
La naturaleza del sexo y la adicción a la pornografía, homosexualidad, pederastia, y...
Clay Crosse was addicted to porn. He & wife Renee tell the story of what Jesus can do to...
Supplementing the rescue of children who have been entrapped by the sex slave industry by...
Penny tells the story of her marriage to a closeted homosexual who contracted AIDS and died,...
高校でこんな授業をされたら神を否定できないだろう・・・ Copyright(著作権): Todd White・ Japanese...
Todd White and Patricia King share about their encounters on the streets, sharing the love of Jesus.
True favor comes when we have a sincere heart to know God and His ways. God only responds to the...
Part 1 of how human sexuality was designed to prefigure the marriage of God and redeemed man.
Dr. Clarice Fluitt shares a miraculous experience that she had while visiting another country.
Our guest is Pastor Craig Buroker talking about NEW LEVELS. Inspirational programming...
Watch this tutorial on how to create personal playlists! This is a Premium Subscriber Benefit.
Steve Porter preaches on TBN South Africa in East London. He shares about the "Secret...
Patricia King's prophetic insight of the coming season and the power of God's love and...
Dr. Aiko Hormann shares on guilt and punishment and how they are related to certain physical...
People come to me to become their life coach because they have a dream that they haven't...
David & Stephanie Herzog interview John Paul Jackson on what he sees coming in the days...
Dick is teaching about the signs that Jesus said would happen in our generation. For more on...
Healing The Whole Man 3rd Hour Joan Hunter teaches how you can be healed, set free, and made...
God will accelerate supernatural healings in the realm of a greater glory.
Healing testimony from our Healing School in Hawthorne, CA. Be encouraged -- Jesus can heal all...
Encounter TV Ancient Truth for the Modern World S:1 E:5 On this edition of Encounter TV,...
Craig describe uno de los efectos del trauma infantil, las mentiras que se creen como resultado,...
You are part of Jesus and His future belongs to you! His destiny is yours. He MUST increase and...
The Dance Between Chance and Choice: Transforming Possibility into Opportunity You can live...
Dr. Clarice Fluitt shares thoughts on understanding responsibility and whose job it is!
Encounter TV Ancient Truth for the Modern World S:1 E:5 On this edition of Encounter TV,...
There are stop stations designated from heaven to earth. Angelic beings sent on divine assignment.
Oneness with God is a profound revelation. Dr. Aiko shares the testimony of her first experience...
Kay unveils the biblical teaching on God's design for sex and how it is available to...
Watch this amazing testimony of a RARE disease HEALED! John was experiencing the behaviors of...
David finally tells the story of his fall from grace as a preacher's kid into horrendous...
Encounter TV Ancient Truth for the Modern World On this edition of Encounter TV, David...
Encounter TV Ancient Truth for the Modern World On this edition of Encounter TV, David...