
South Asia February 2020 Recap

Posted 4 years ago by Making Jesus Known Evangelistic Ministries – David Ursin

Our mission is simple: to present the clear Gospel message of salvation through Jesus Christ. We believe that one of the most effect ways to spread the Gospel is through large scale Gospel crusades…

We were able to hold this Gospel Campaign right before COVID-19 shut down most of the world. The timing of the Lord was perfect for this event. Thousands heard the Gospel and, many for the very first see. You can see the results for yourself!

Direct file link: https://xpmedia.nyc3.digitaloceanspaces.com/node/355/19355/default.mp4?AWSAccessKeyId=YV25CDEQWOCEBC3T5XQ6&Expires=1742936584&Signature=hgz5gIbafmJo7zFRCLLH6glH2e0%3D