This song is off new album from Revival Fires that was recorded during the Firestorm Conference.
Un vistazo invaluable a los estudios científicos que los activistas claman que demuestran la...
Dr. Aiko shares what it means to be molded and shaped by the Lord when we are on the Potters Wheel.
Recently been through a difficult season? Let God remove the layers of hurt, disappointment,...
This woman came hundreds of miles to our service to be healed of terminal cancer. She was...
An amazing story of how God recovered a lost knife as a sign and wonder of the season of...
Part 2 of this incredible 7 hour teaching by Charles and Frances Hunter will show you how lay...
Tested and proven principles for growing and developing in the healing ministry.
Watch as a young university student encounters a mirculous healing that doesn't fit inside...
Jeff Stow talks with Bonnis, 5 months after a deliverence that occurred in the Tipping the...
This episode is Part 3 of a 5 part series on how the wounds in our soul may be causing all kinds...
Dr. Mungadze describes his work with sexually broken people utilizing right brain therapy.
Our guest today is Sarah Ball, and we are continuing our chat with her on God's healing in...
Dr. Clarice Fluitt shares thoughts on understanding responsibility and whose job it is!
Healing The Whole Man 3rd Hour Joan Hunter teaches how you can be healed, set free, and made...
Jesus' witness that the entire moral law is still in effect, which includes prohibitions...
Dr. Aiko Hormann shares on guilt and punishment and how they are related to certain physical...
Whilst Revival Fires where in Kenya they went on to a tip to feed the people on there. Listen as...
Activate the prophetic seer anointing in your life so that you can hear what God is saying and...
Raised in a Pentecostal church, molested by someone there, lived a profligate gay lifestyle. But...
Joshua Hubbell continues to expand on what it means to be seated with Christ in part 3 of this...
Clarice shares about a time in her life when the Lord was singing to her. It was her first time...
Abuso sexual de niña y una familia donde las mujeres eran percibidas como débiles y víctimas la...
【映画俳優・億万長者の救い・富の移行・知識の言葉のパワー!】ショーン・ボルツ預言の力 Testimonies of movie stars and billionaires'...
Dr. Aiko Hormann shares common issues regarding unanswered prayers.
In this installment of Encounter TV, David Diga Hernandez ministers from Colorado Springs on how...
Katie Souza upcoming event is a must see. Heal Your Past Restore Your Present will show you how...
Dutch discusses his encounter with the spirit of Baal, what it is, how it affects society, and...
Joan Hunter teaches on letting go of the pass hurts & failures to step into what God has...
Life Coaching is about drawing out of you what God has already place in you! It is a process of...
Patricia King introduces her new course on how to get out of your rut.
Our guest is Rob Parker of the National House Of Prayer in Ottawa. He has an amazing story to...
Lost souls call out. "Give me souls or I will die!" Do you carry a burden for the Lost?
<div> What are the seven mountains? How does this message relate to our everyday...
What is the ancient mystery revealing about the future of the United States? 9.11,crashing of...
If we do what God said, and what He did, we'll have what He promised.
An examination of God's grace and how it differs from the performance-orientation that most...
Child sex abuse and a family environment where women were perceived as weak and victims lead to...
Dean traces his need for male touch and affirmation to his homosexual confusion and to its healing.
Autor quien nos da una gira por la Biblia conforme penetra a la actividad demoníaca en el pecado...
The author of Escaping the Devil's Bedroom reveals what she found while visiting sex...
An outstanding teaching on how the grace of God heals the orphaned spirit and the accompanying...
A word for those who are leaders in God's Kingdom or serve in His ministry.
Billy Graham Association travels around the world heading up festivals that bring the revelation...
Fiona talks about the foundation of love and relationship with God that must be developed for...
Jill explains the difference between living a religious life and becoming intimately connected...
Breaking free from the frustration of powerless Christianity and experiencing the power of God...
Continue to soak in the truths about how God imparts favor and influence your world for Him! ...
Encounter TV Ancient Truth for the Modern World S:1 E:5 On this edition of Encounter TV,...
At the conclusion of the interview session, Aaron Winter asks David Hogan to pray a prayer of...
When you come to Jesus, you have a spirit man, burning inside of you. Patricia also shares about...
The scripture says that everything is going to be shaking, the Kingdom of God is an unshakable...
Katie shares a supernatural miracle that took place in her living room that resulted in healing...
The father of the ex-gay movement tells his story of being groomed into homosexuality by his...
Elijah House leader's story of being sexually abused as a child and subsequent struggle...
Dr. Henslin discute como un daño en el cerebro a través de un trauma lleva al control de los...
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David shares the story of living in a cult while finding success as a Hollywood film & TV actor.
Pastor Missy Beik joins Freeda Bowers, co-founder of WACX SuperChannel in Orlando for Divine...
The Dance Between Chance and Choice: Transforming Possibility into Opportunity You can live...
One of many simple keys to walking intimately with the Holy Spirit.
Pt 2 – Más sobre ataduras del alma, maldiciones familiares, perdón, la autoridad del creyente, y...
Has anyone ever pushed your buttons? Dr. Aiko addresses triggering mechanisms in our brain when...
Trevor personally invites you to our upcoming Equipping Weekends in February
Dr. Clarice Fluitt explains steps on how to make your dreams come true!
Understanding the causes for ephebophilia and pedophilia and what can be done to bring healing...
Tommy and Jeannie discuss their involvement in the making of the film "One Night With the...
El mundo único de la adicción sexual femenina y las maneras en que una chica puede desarrollar...
Dr. Clarice Fluitt shares tips on the importance on life coaching. What it is and why everyone...
A specialized instruction course for believers to lay hands on the sick and see them recover....
Many of you have been in a difficult season of loss. The word of the Lord is for you is to go...
Historias sobre jóvenes con secretos oscuros y cómo encontraron libertad y sanidad al traerlos...
It’s important for you to have a clear, well defined goal and vision. The stronger and more...
Pastor Missy Beik joins Freeda Bowers, co-founder of WACX SuperChannel in Orlando for Divine...
Malcolm sigue describiendo cómo el amor y la gracia de Dios nos enseña a decir "No" a...
Our guest is Pastor Craig Buroker of Southside Victory Church in Calgary, AB, Canada, and...
Watch as Cindy shares how a team of ordinary people who love God, reach into the heart the...
David joins D James Kennedy and others to discuss the homosexual agenda and the hope for freedom...
Mike gives an excellent teaching on how to walk away from the wound of rejection in order to...
The way that inner healing and deliverance contributes to freedom from sexual sin.
Chuck Pierce and Dutch Sheets sit down together to discuss a number of important and interesting...
God reveals through Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph how He desires blessing, prosperity,...
Dr. Foster describes the multiple ways by which God brings deliverance to those who are bound by...
Enseñanzas de diferentes maneras de cómo la confusión homosexual se puede desarrollar y las...
Kat talks about the mystery of death and what happens to Christians when they die.
Kathy tackles the hard questions surrounding child abuse and neglect and offers God solution.
Dr. Aaron Winter exposes roots of unbelief and how to handle unbelief when it comes your way.
In this episode of Find Refuge TV Steve Porter speaks about the Lord announcing His presence and...
Using his own testimony, Steve talks about pornography, homosexuality and child sexual abuse and...
Aaron Winter kicks off an interview with Hamilton Filmalter about the hunger in the Middle East...
The kingdom of God is a kingdom of words. God watches as they go forth. You have the power to...
Joan shares how you can rip off every label that the Lord didn't intend for you to have.
Youth leader at Exodus gives important tips on ministering to youth who struggle with homosexual...
The entire interview between Aaron and Hamilton Filmalter.
Dick is speaking about what he is sensing for this coming year.
Kim Clement shares prophetic word for Rosh Hoshana New Year.
One of YWAM's top speakers worldwide, Gus reveals the glorious divine plan behind our...
John describe su antigua lucha con la pornografía y revela que Dios lo liberó y evitó que...
Revival Fires where invited to go to Kenya to preach the gospel of Jesus. Here are some of the...
Katie has traveled all over the country collecting hundreds of amazing testimonies. This episode...
John 10:10 Jesus said, "I came that you may have life and have it abundantly."...
Your grandson is in prison. Be encouraged, he's going to learn more in there about God than...
<div> <div>During our Kingdom Alignment conference we caught up with Che Ahn. Here...
The enemy's power will be broken over your life, as you watch this video on the Kingdom of...
Kevin describes how a spirit of rejection contributed to his homosexual confusion and how Jesus...
Genesis 1 reveals that God’s eternal purpose is to transform and conform you to His image. ...
Establish your time with the Lord in your current trials so He can give you heavenly perspective...
Tráfico humano y prostitución infantil: lo que podemos hacer para rescatar a quienes han sido...
You are part of Jesus and His future belongs to you! His destiny is yours. He MUST increase and...
Who is the Angel of Breakthrough? Why is he here today? What is he preparing us for?
Part 2 of this 4 part series on how the light of Jesus can heal your soul and body.
Cindy Jacobs shares why we can't be angry and mean haters. Where do we draw the line in the...
Our guests today are Antonio and Christabelle Baldovinos of the Global Prayer House in Medicine...
A church that doesn't allow the gifts of the Spirit to operate in the church is half dead!...
Our guest is Pastor Len Zoeteman, speaking about how we can live in the supernatural. For...
Message from the Jesus Culture event in Dudley. It doesn't take many to create change, you...
Un testimonio personal de un antiguo adicto sexual y la jornada a la sanidad a través del...
Tracey completes the story of her life and the beautiful ways that God has brought redemption.
The Salvation Army has been at the forefront of ministry to sex trafficking victims worldwide...
Cómo una relación quebrantada con su padre y las heridas emocionales lo llevaron a una...
You are an Embassy of heaven because Christ lives in you. Listen and learn how to move into your...
Interview with Surprise Sithole and Randy Clark on Dead being raised in Africa.
Watch amazing testimonies of healing miracles from distended stomach, rotator cuff, and neck...
What is the true origin of the Easter celebration? Why do we celebrate Easter by giving Easter...
Patricia King on making it through a life transition or change successfully
By watching this video message by Trevor Baker you will be able to recognise the opportunities...
Tempted to give up because of difficulties or circumstances? Don't quit, you have gone too...
We each have an internal antena. who is yours tuned into?We each have an internal antena. who is...
Jonathan talks about the childhood influences that helped mold him into a major sex addict.
We are living in a season where we can reclaim what has been stolen from us.
This is a very encouraging word by Steve Porter using a strong prophetic dream the Lord gave him...
Women on the Frontlines Business Panel with Dr. Pat Francis, Patricia King, Clarice Fluitt...
Let go of the former things and step into the new things God has in store for you in this season.
The story, thus far, of the healing ministry of David Diga Hernandez.
Pt 1 - How a broken relationship with his father and resulting emotional wounds that led him...
During our recent Prophetic Seers Conference we managed to catch up with Bobby Conner. Listen as...
<div> During our recent Kingdom Alignment conference we managed to catch up with...
Patricia King, Joan Hunter, Katie Souza and Charity Bradshaw shared about women's issues, ...
Dr. Aiko Hormann once again joins Patricia King to share some amazing insights about how science...
Encounter TV Ancient Truth for the Modern World On this edition of Encounter TV, David...
Our guest today is Rod Hembree, host of Quick Study. For more on Dick and Joan Deweert, check...
Heidi relates stories of the rescue of sexually broken kids in Africa and of God's...
In this episode of Encounter TV, David Diga Hernandez discusses with Pastor Micah Klausman about...
Fractured and abused in childhood, Fionah is working the bars and strip clubs when Jesus comes...
A specialized instruction course for believers to lay hands on the sick and see them recover....
There are four main characteristics of human behavior, which one is dominant in your life?
Cómo el abuso sexual y tener un padre que no sabía cómo comunicarse, amar y mostrar afecto...
Patricia King and Lou Engle release prophetic insights for the coming year.
We ministered on the streets of Leeds, England. We prayed for these two girls who were...
David Diga Hernandez ministers a simple and anointed evangelistic message. Share with your...
How much we want God really determines the direction of our lives. Completely giving ourselves...
Todd shares in his testimony how God saved him and delivered him from a demon and how Jesus came...
Watch amazing testimonies of healing miracles from tendinitis and plantar fasciitis healings, to...
The unique world of the female sex addict and the ways that a girl can develop a bondage to...
He Leads Me Beside Still Waters: 50 Love Letters of Healing and Restoration from our Lord - Book...
Are you feeling like life is missing something? This powerful artistic message is for you.
This episode is Part 4 of a 5 part series on how the wounds in our soul may be causing all kinds...
Dr. Clarice Fluitt shares on transformation and the importance of life coaching.
What does "Hearts of Fire" the ministry of Dr. Aaron Winter look like?
Dick is speaking about Easter and the power of the cross of Christ.
ホーマン・あいこ博士:人工知能と脳の研究を40年以上続けている日本人の科学者 Dr. Aiko Hormann, who was born in Japan, was a Research...
The purpose of water baptism is that we are acknowledging that we identify with the death,...
Receive grace from the Lord that will sustain you for everything that you are going through.
This is the final episode in this beginning series on how the wounds in our soul may be causing...