The founder of Desert Stream Ministries and the Living Waters program tells his life story and...
In this eye opening interview, Dutch Sheets talks with Dr. Aaron Winter about the coming...
Katie will release healing and show you how to position yourself to receive miracles in your own...
Our guests are Darrin and Daphne Clark of Catch The Fire, Calgary.
By watching this video message by Trevor Baker you will be able to recognise the opportunities...
There is a coming flood of glory. Tap into it and be on the cutting edge of what God is doing in...
Human trafficking and child prostitution: what we can do to help rescue those who have been...
Had a rough year? You're too expensive for the devil to mess with! Bankrupt the devil and...
How a broken relationship with his father led to male prostitution & sexual addiction and...
The Dance Between Chance and Choice: Transforming Possibility into Opportunity You can live...
Thought-provoking quotes and phrases to expand your Kingdom experience through the power of...
Encounter TV Ancient Truth for the Modern World On this edition of Encounter TV, the Spirit...
Nanette has overcome all odds! You can too! Truly! 'Arise with Susan' Part 2!
Patricia King on how your view of a situation can sometimes be tainted by your past. The power...
Science has proven that we have 3 brains. The head, heart and the gut brain. When we deal with...
A lady is healed of a sever knee injury after attending a miracle service hosted by the healing...
Interview with Chuck Pierce "Going Beyond" part 2 - Prophetic Purpose for the United...
The founder of Agape International Missions talks about the sex trade of children in Cambodia...
Part 3 of this 4 part series on how the light of Jesus can heal your soul and body.
Let God pull the pain out of you so He can instill the promise in you.
Kelry discusses the amazing things God is doing in Brazil, the 24/7 Prayer movement and Houses...
A man's severely injured back is completely restored by the healing power of Jesus - with...
Dr. Clarice Fluitt joins Patricia King to expose the lies that have held women back, in order to...
ジョン・ビビアがポルノ中毒に陥っていた時に、神から受けた啓示によって解放されたいきさつを赤裸々に正直に証しています。 John describes his previous...
There are mysteries that have been sealed up since the days of Daniel that will be opened in...
David describes the various means by which we can resist temptation by God's power and...
In this episode watch amazing testimonies of healing miracles from hearing loss being restored...
Clears up a common misunderstanding of Jn 8:31-32 about how sexually broken people are set free...
Anne discusses her amazing adventures with Jesus, as He appeared to her as the "Lion of...
The key role that performance-orientation plays in the life of an addict and how God can set...
Our guests today are Antonio Baldovinos and Braden Scharfenberg of Global Prayer House...
Entendiendo las causas de la efebofilia y la pedofilia y qué se puede hacer para llevar sanidad...
Patricia King, Joan Hunter, Katie Souza and Charity Bradshaw shared about women's issues, ...
All around this planet is a spiritual realm with unseen angels on assignment from heaven on your...
By watching this video message by Trevor Baker you will be able to recognise the opportunities...
Graham Cooke addresses the difference between false prophecy and poor prophecy.
Author of Hungry for More of God shares profound insights that point us all to finding freedom...
Watch these amazing testimonies of healing miracles collected from Katie's latest...
<div> During our recent Kingdom Alignment conference we managed to catch up with...
Todd White teaches a woman to pray for divine healing for her sister's brain tumor and...
You will find that God can use you to bring healing and help to family, friends and literally...
Owen Braaksma, from Waiuku, New Zealand, shares of the miracles he saw as a 15yr old student...
Information will change us, it's going to take revelation. The understanding of what God...
An impassioned description of how the love and grace of God teach us to say "No" to...
The Gift of Faith is the faith of God, God’s own faith, that believers pull on to bring about...
It's time for refreshment! We all need it! 'Arise with Susan' Susan Mimi Cheatham...
"If you want to know the future look at history. We are not going to live in the past but...
Watch as a young university student encounters a mirculous healing that doesn't fit inside...
The founder of Courage To Be You describes her dramatic call by God to begin a licensed,...
Turning curses into double blessings by using the authority God has given...
We are all called to carry the anointing of God within our sphere of influence. What is your sphere?
Joan shares how you can rip off every label that the Lord didn't intend for you to have.
As we move as a united church what ever has been hindering healing will begin to be toppled.
Quebrantada y sin esperanza, Harmony se convierte en un desnudista elite antes de encontrar al...
Many of you have been in a difficult season of loss. The word of the Lord is for you is to go...
この若い女性は骨と筋肉の稀な病気によって支え無しに歩くことができませんでした。イエスの御名によって奇跡が起こります! This young lady could not walk...
Patricia King and Lou Engle release prophetic insights for the coming year.
Sheri goes into depth regarding a statement that she made during our Love Revolution conference,...
Dr. Foster describes the multiple ways by which God brings deliverance to those who are bound by...
This program explores the world of the male prostitute, featuring the work of Emmaus Ministries...
Has anyone ever pushed your buttons? Dr. Aiko addresses triggering mechanisms in our brain when...
David describes the events in his life that took him far from God, including moral depravity...
The problem & solution to porn and its accompanying behaviors according to the principles...
Katie has traveled all over the country collecting hundreds of amazing testimonies of healing...
Dr. Clarice Fluitt shares prophetic insight for 2015. God lives in an ever present now. He...
God has made everything beautiful in it's time. He has planted eternity in your heart!
You are part of Jesus and His future belongs to you! His destiny is yours. He MUST increase and...
Understanding the causes for ephebophilia and pedophilia and what can be done to bring healing...
Stephanie came to church in pain and walking with a cane few weeks ago. Now, she is healed, has...
In this interview, Dr. Paul Cox, Mike Velotta and Jeff Stow discuss Aslan's Plaace...
A confident person gives other people confidence. Confidence is the core of charisma…. When you...
A short clip from a series where evangelist Joshua Hubbell speaks on watching what you take...
Robert displays some of his artwork and discusses the prophetic significance of each piece, is...
Pastor Mike gives an inspirational teaching on how to reach for your calling and gifts from God.
God will accelerate supernatural healings in the realm of a greater glory.
Encounter TV Ancient Truth for the Modern World On this edition of Encounter TV, David...
Establish your time with the Lord in your current trials so He can give you heavenly perspective...
Ever feel that something might be between you and your spouse? Learn how to...
Un ex-actor porno y adicto sexual cuenta su historia y discute las maneras en las que Dios...
The word says if we humble ourselves and pray then God will heal our land. Because of the fact...
Dick is preaching a message at Third Day on how to keep the family strong.
Interview with Surprise Sithole and Randy Clark on Dead being raised in Africa.
Dr. Aiko Hormann shares Part 2 of a 3 part series regarding the definition of quantum field...
There is a universal need for forgiveness. God made provision for that in His nature. His love...
This song is straight off the new album by Revival Fires, that was recorded during the Firestorm...
Child sex abuse and a family environment where women were perceived as weak and victims lead to...
Watch as Danny Silk delves into the topic of the difference between consequences and punishment.
What happens when you are living in the sweet spot? What are the four keys to living in the...
Enseñanza breve de los Dr Bill Maier, Dr Michael Brown y Melissa Fryrear sobre homosexualidad.
Lance discusses how Christians are called to demonstrate God, outside of the four walls of the...
Cindy discusses how she reaches out prophetically to the lost at Burning Man, Sundance Film...
Patricia King teaches on the power of the favor of God to transform your life as a believer in...
All power in heaven and earth has been invested in the name of Jesus. That name has been given...
El rescate de niños y niñas en todo el mundo, que han sido atrapados por le industria de la...
The entire interview between Aaron and Hamilton Filmalter.
The Healing School series is full of cutting edge, fresh revelation! Learn how demonic kings...
Dios quiere que recibas la gran bendición del pacto – la bendición de Abraham.
The scripture says the steps of the righteous have been designed and ordered by God. We must get...
Our guest is Pastor Craig Buroker of Southside Victory Church in Calgary, AB, Canada, and...
Come with us as we head into India again, see how Revival Fires are spreading the gospel of...
Jill shares how the Spirit of God moved on a woman during a massage she was receiving.
A stirring and sobering evangelistic excerpt from the evangelistic healing ministry of David...
When hard things happen, unless we know how to take our feelings to the Lord, we end up with...
Patricia King's message on how believers must stand in these times of turmoil
David Kyle Foster tells his story of rescue , redemption & healing from a life dominated by...
Patricia King, Joan Hunter, Katie Souza and Charity Bradshaw share about women's issues, ...
Dr. Clarice Fluitt shares from an experience that taught her about the power of taking the word...
Joshua Mills shares his testimony about the many miracles he has witnessed.
Dios quiere ser tu Padre, y que vivas con la seguridad de Su amor y Su bendición.
Receive this great, prophetic word from Joan Hunter. Recently recorded at Brownsville Assembly...
The way that inner healing and deliverance contributes to freedom from sexual sin.
People come to me to become their life coach because they have a dream that they haven't...
God is demonstrating His power through signs and wonders interfering with natural weather patterns.
Heaven is a very real place! It is the place of God’s abode and it is every believer’s eternal...
Aaron Winter kicks off an interview with Hamilton Filmalter about the hunger in the Middle East...
The true identity of the believer & how this revelation alone can set & keep a person...
Dean traces his need for male touch and affirmation to his homosexual confusion and to its healing.
La iglesia de Jesucristo tiene un futuro brillante, un futuro de victoria y crecimiento.
How do we step into the promise, see Jesus with our own eyes and become sons of the living God?
The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. Resting in Him is what we need to learn.
Michael describes growing up gay and the process by which he decided to deny that false identity...
Katie shares part 2 of her 5 part series on demonic kings that can hinder healing. She explains...
Align your heart with heaven and heaven will come down and change the earth.
By watching this video message by Trevor Baker you will be able to recognise the opportunities...
Ex-activista gay y publicista de la Revista Venus le entrega su vida a Jesús y es libre.
Do you really know Jesus or do you simply suffice to know about Him. He want deep intimacy with...
James Goll shares a great encounter he had about the Holy Spirit coming in glory and power.
Watch this tutorial on how to create personal playlists! This is a Premium Subscriber Benefit.
Un testimonio personal de un antiguo adicto sexual y la jornada a la sanidad a través del...
Todd White shares of an instant healing of MS and prays deliverance and healing for multiple...
Watch amazing testimonies of healing miracles from tendinitis and plantar fasciitis healings, to...
Tempted to give up because of difficulties or circumstances? Don't quit, you have gone too...
Bobby Conner receives a word from the Lord to challenge a coven of witches who came to his meeting.
How big of a bridge would you need to close in the gap between where you are and where you are...
Brenna describes her fall into lesbian confusion and her final choice to serve Christ instead.
God wants you to hear and know His voice so other people will know that He is real!
Leaders of a ministry in Hollywood talk about rescuing runaway and homeless kids and teens in...
Transsexualism, Transvestism, Drag Queens, Hermaphrodism, Kleinfelter’s Syndrome, Turner’s...
Iverna's teaching will inspire you to move deeper into the things of God and have a real...
The unique world of the female sex addict and the ways that a girl can develop a bondage to...
Logical, theological and biblical reasons for God's parameters for sexual behavior related...
There is power in both forgiveness and unforgiveness. It can disable your life, or enable you...
How the love and grace of God teach us to say "No" to ungodliness and to be eager to...
パトリシア・キングと元イスラム教徒で現在牧師のファイサル・マリックが宗教の霊とは何か、またどのようにしてこの霊に打ち勝つことができるか教えます。 Patricia King and...
Watch actual testimonies of children, as they describe the healing power of Jesus they received...
In order to live a supernatural life, we need to be able to hear the voice of the Lord and walk...
2014-01-11 pm Swiggs are short refreshing out-takes from Times of Refreshing a TV/Web ministry...
Iverna shares her deep wisdom on how to raise children based on biblical principals in a world...
Bart talks about the importance power of relationship in our world of cyber communication.
Sy Rogers asks “The Lads” about sexual struggles that teens have & how they've dealt...
David completes this teaching on the various ways that homosexual confusion develops and the...
Después de ser abusado sexualmente por un hombre y una mujer, adicción sexual, uso de...
El Dr. Brown ve directamente a la cámara y contesta las preguntas más difíciles que pueden hacer...
This is a very encouraging word by Steve Porter using a strong prophetic dream the Lord gave him...
Los Kylstras nos muestran como maldiciones y experiencias dolorosas pueden llevar a las personas...
Steve Porter "Let my words be like the clapping of thunder, that Satan's kingdom would...
Tempted to give up because of difficulties or circumstances? Don't quit, you have gone too...
Pastor Craig Buroker is our guest, and we’ll be talking about the release of wealth in the...
During "The Encounter Conference" Dr. Aaron Winter explains how the Kingdom of God and...
ジョシュア・ミルズとパトリシア・キングが神の栄光がどのような形で地上で現され、どうやってその超自然の領域に入ることができるか分かち合います。 Joshua Mills and...
We ministered on the streets of Leeds, England. We prayed for these two girls who were...
In part 1 of the interview David Hogan tells Aaron Winter about the most bizarre and life...
Let God remove the veils from your mind so you can see the new things He is trying to bring into...
We'll be hearing Dick preach during our recent Dominion Conference on where we are in the...
Aaron Winter learns David Hogan's greatest healing experience was the healing of a leper...
This message is one to provoke your heart towards walking in all you are in Christ!
Joshua Mills shares his testimony about the many miracles he has witnessed.