God Is My Refuge
Listen as Apostle Doctor Robin Harfouche reveals powerful truth behind Paul's bold...
Chasing Devils
Apostle Doctor Robin Harfouche ministering on Encountering God's Supernatural! Participate...
Prophetic Word: Your Light Has Come!
Listen and receive as Apostle Doctor Christian Harfouche declares under the inspiration of the...
Prophetic Word: Your Light Has Come!
Listen and receive as Apostle Doctor Christian Harfouche declares under the inspiration of the...
Chasing Devils
Apostle Doctor Robin Harfouche ministering on Encountering God's Supernatural! Participate...
Chasing Devils
Apostle Doctor Robin Harfouche ministering on Encountering God's Supernatural! Participate...
Chasing Devils
Apostle Doctor Robin Harfouche ministering on Encountering God's Supernatural! Participate...
Deliverance, Healing and Recovery
Join Dr. Christian Harfouche in a live meeting where you will witness deliverance, healing and...
Immediate Miracle - Dr. Christian Harfouche
For more information on Christian Harfouche Ministries go to www.GlobalRevival.com
Miracles - Christian Harfouche Ministries
For more information on Christian Harfouche Ministries go to www.GlobalRevival.com
The Woman With The Issue Of Blood
Join Apostle Doctor Robin Harfouche as she ministers in a spontaneous prophetic illustrated...
Angels On Special Assignments
God assigns angels to help us fulfill our destiny. Spend time with the Lord and ask what angels...
God's Plan The Next Eight Years
You have heard us declare prophetically and put our word out again to the ends of the earth, and...
Breakthrough On Every Side
Join Apostle Doctor Christian Harfouche as he shares under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit a...
The Woman With The Issue Of Blood
Join Apostle Doctor Robin Harfouche as she ministers in a spontaneous prophetic illustrated...
Receive Your Miracle
Do you need a miracle? Do you want to know how to receive a miracle? Do you want to move in...
Authority Over Darkness
Dr. Christian Harfouche joins Patricia King to discuss these promises and reveal scriptural...
Visit To Heaven
Dr. Robin Harfouche joins Patricia King to share the 3-D technicolor vision of heaven she had...