

Cindy McGill shares how important our dreams are and what God is saying through them.

New Expressions of God as Your Friend

God cares about even the smallest details of your life.

You're Too Expensive!

Had a rough year? You're too expensive for the devil to mess with! Bankrupt the devil and...

Stop Your Subscription To Addiction

Stop subscribing to the negative impressions and mindsets of the enemy.

How to Live Under An Open Heaven Pt 1 of 3 "

Patricia King's A-Team Mentorshi[p Feature Monthly Cource

The Power Of Persistent Prayer

Cindy Jacobs shares an experience with her family that proves the power of persistent prayer....

Nuggets Of Wisdom From Patricia King's Father

Patricia King's dad shares nuggets that has caused him success and happiness in life.

Faith Connection Promo Video

A-TEAM - Faith Connection Promotion Video

Mentoring Moments - Secrets For The Secret Place

When your life on earth is complete, all that’s left is whatever you have built in the secret...

"Words with a Prophet" - Encounter TV- Episode 20

On this edition of Encounter TV, David Diga Hernandez interviews prophet Rob Sanchez. On Moment...

Hamilton Filmalter Talks With Aaron Winter About Middle East

Aaron Winter kicks off an interview with Hamilton Filmalter about the hunger in the Middle East...