
Russian-Sexual Purity Thru Intimacy with God

John talks about his struggle with pornography & masturbation and how God has shown him the...

Many Receive God's Presence

Encounter TV Ancient Truth for the Modern World On this edition of Encounter TV, people are...

What Is Your Gift

During this Christmas season don't forget about the gifts inside of you by focusing on the...

International Festivals

Billy Graham Association travels around the world heading up festivals that bring the revelation...

Russian-Rehabilitating Trafficked Girls

The team at Wellspring Living in Atlanta talks about their program to restore girls and women...

A Fresh Epiphany

Dr. Clarice Fluitt shares prophetic insight for 2015. God lives in an ever present now. He...

God So Loved

God loves you! He understands and He answers and is sympathetic to your problems!

Prophecy And Revival

Patricia King shares about the power of revival and the importance of the prophetic in the midst...

How To Be Engaged In The Moment

Dr. Clarice Fluitt shares how to stay engaged and focused.

Grow Up

There are people that God will bring into your life, not necessarily to stroke you, but some of...

When Your Daddy Holds You

When we're in His arms, we see things from our Father's perspective and we will walk...

A-Team Mentorship with Patricia King

A course that transforms lives.