
LIfeline Today with Dick and Joan, episode 50

The interview in this episode is a little different: Dick will be interviewing Joan!! Joan will...

Aaron & Hamilton Discus Miracles In The Middle East

Aaron talks about Middle Easterners having God encounters; Hamilton talks about a family that...

Lifeline Today with Dick and Joan, episode 39

We'll be hearing from 3 highly respected leaders in Canada about what they see God doing in...

Look To Jesus

Stacey Campbell shares why she thinks this season is going to be a very unique one unlike...

How to Partner with Angels Promo

A-TEAM Promotion

Swiggs - Freedom Freestyle - Craig Buroker

2014-01-11 pm Swiggs are short refreshing out-takes from Times of Refreshing a TV/Web ministry...

Fire & Impartation with Hamilton Filmalter & Aaron Winter

At the close of this interview Aaron Winter has Hamilton Filmalter impart the fire of God onto a...

The Father Heals the Lesbian

A young lady with no experience of a father's love finds freedom from homosexuality through...

My Hope

When you scratch the surface of America's facade, what will you find? Watch now!

What signs will follow those who believe?信者にどんなしるしが伴うか


Choosing Christ Over Homosexual Confusion

Brenna describes her fall into lesbian confusion and her final choice to serve Christ instead.

Lifeline Today with Dick and Joan, episode 37

Dick and Joan share a portion of their story of failure and redemption. For the FULL story,...