Michael describes growing up gay and the process by which he decided to deny that false identity...
Using his own testimony, Steve talks about pornography, homosexuality and child sexual abuse and...
We are in a situation right now that is covered with something that looks like humanity, but...
El consejero principal de Enfoque en la Familia, el Dr. Bill Maier, habla sobre cómo la iglesia...
On this edition of Encounter TV, David Diga Hernandez interviews prophet Rob Sanchez. On Moment...
Healing testimony from our Healing School in Hawthorne, CA. Be encouraged -- Jesus can heal all...
Sean Feucht shares what he sees prophetically over New Zealand for 2010.
Spiritual hunger that consumes you and brings you into the Chambers of the King.
Serving idols will leave you idle. David exposes one of the greatest idols in the church world...
The story of a man who was molested by a male and female during his childhood and the great...
Interview with Chuck Pierce "Going Beyond" Part 1 - Strategies and Models of God
Crisis hits each of our lives. You have a choice to be positive or negative. Watch now and learn...
James Goll shares prophetic insight about the presence of the Lord pouring out over the nations...
Hurting people are asking desperate questions but they're not talking to family, friends,...
Cindy Jacobs shares why we can't be angry and mean haters. Where do we draw the line in the...
David tells his story of major sexual brokenness and how God brings healing through intimacy,...
Going through rough trials and circumstances? Find your rest by trusting in who God is and that...
Pastor Mike gives an inspirational teaching on how to reach for your calling and gifts from God.
Effective intercession for Israel is biblically based, compassionate and revelatory. Pray...
Una historia ponderosa del secreto más viejo de la iglesia lleva a la adicción sexual y al...
Shawn Bolz on how to receive, process, and take action on a prophetic word given to you.
El rescate de niños y niñas en todo el mundo, que han sido atrapados por le industria de la...
Do you or someone you know struggle with debt? Ever wondered what God says about debt?
Deliverance from soul ties, family curses, unforgiveness, and demonic strongholds and on the...
Patricia King on making it through a life transition or change successfully
Christie describes her childhood and adolescence and the growing attraction to females that...
Much of what we do can be fear-based, but we think it's faith-based and become confused...
By watching this video message by Trevor Baker you will be able to recognise the opportunities...
Unveiling the schemes of the enemy that keep believers bound to sin, and how we can find freedom...
べテル教会のクリス・バロトン牧師が、神から与えられた性と性欲の真の意味と知識を現代の若者達に向けて語っています。 Bethel Church's Kris Vallotton...
John Mark discusses how he was shown the impending Katrina disaster in the New Orleans area, and...
Joshua Mills shares his testimony about the many miracles he has witnessed.
A story of sexual brokenness and an immoral lifestyle that eventually led Matthew to seek...
El mundo único de la adicción sexual femenina y las maneras en que una chica puede desarrollar...
La iglesia de Jesucristo tiene un futuro brillante, un futuro de victoria y crecimiento.
Through words of knowledge and healing, two men are impacted for Jesus on the streets of Phoenix.
In this series Dr. Mark shows you how to pursue, overtake and recover. Listen and find keys that...
Tested and proven principles for growing and developing in the healing ministry.
All it takes is the faith of a mustard seed to move a mountain, what do you possess to see your...
Watch amazing testimonies of healing miracles, when you soak in the Glory Light of Jesus.
El autor de La Cabaña habla de su abuso en el campo misionero, ser lastimado por su padre, y su...
In this episode of Find Refuge TV Steve Porter speaks about the Lord announcing His presence and...
Iverna teaches on what prophecy is, how it works, and how to recognize the real thing? Edify...
Dr. Mungadze describes his work with sexually broken people utilizing right brain therapy.
Author of Hungry for More of God shares profound insights that point us all to finding freedom...
King David says in the 23rd Psalm that your cup is already running over with blessing and...
Sheri shares on how fathers have sometimes been made redundant in family life and how we as...
He Leads Me Beside Still Waters: 50 Love Letters of Healing and Restoration from our Lord - Book...
Benji AlexAnder, from Te Anau, New Zealand, shares his exciting journey of seeing God move in...
Homosexual while living as a committed believer, and how God set him free from brokenness and...
Doug begins to explain how you are able to interpret the dreams that you dream.
Child sex abuse and a family environment where women were perceived as weak and victims lead to...
John describes his previous struggle with porn and the revelations that God gave him that set...
Jeff tells his story of growing up gay in the church and the battle that ensued between his...
In the many distractions that come...You can hear the sweet sound of our heavenly bridegroom...
Broke and hopeless, Harmony becomes a top stripper before finding the man who truly loves her -...
Dr. Fluitt shares stories of her journey in ministry and how to use your experiences for the...
As a channel host, you have (3) free 180x150 ads for your use. This will show you how to use them.
The Dance Between Chance and Choice: Transforming Possibility into Opportunity You can live...
Do you know God as Father.... as Daddy? This message by Steve Porter will touch your heart as...
Todd White and Patricia King share about their encounters on the streets, sharing the love of Jesus.
Dr. Henslin discute como un daño en el cerebro a través de un trauma lleva al control de los...
Watch these amazing testimonies of healing miracles collected from Katie's latest...
In this new teaching series Pastor and Evangelist Joshua Hubbell speaks on the importance of...
When your life on earth is complete, all that’s left is whatever you have built in the secret...
A fascinating examination of the deep, symbolic and biblical meaning of the body and human...
A discussion of the causes of homosexual confusion and how parents can raise children to avoid...
Clay Crosse era adicto a la pornografía. El y su esposa Renee cuentan la historia de lo que...
John Perks delivers a powerful message on the power of sowing and reaping
After living for years as an actor and model in Hollywood, surviving a near-death experience,...
Angela Greenig on Elijah Streams Take Authority Over the Enemy in Your Life
Thom suffers through an arrest for solicitation and other challenges as he tries to remain...
Trevor personally invites you to our upcoming Equipping Weekends in February
Filmed in beautiful New Wilmington, PA. The Heavenly Bridegroom is waiting for a mature bride....
Confusión de la homosexualidad en la infancia, contracción del SIDA, reconciliación con Dios y...
仕事でも執筆でも世的に大成功を収めたアンドリュー・ソベル。 荒れた生活を送り苦しんでいた息子の人生が激変したことによって、 彼が見い出し得たものは何だったのか・・・? Andrew...
Religion is a deadly thing. David exposes religion and speaks freedom from condemnation, guilt...
"The Soaking Place" is a weekly video webcast, created for those that feel a deep...
Biblical teaching on God's design for sex, available to anyone who will turn their life...
In these meetings in Minneapolis, MN, these people were healed of heart problems and asthma issues.
Former gay activist and publisher of Venus Magazine gives her life to Jesus and is set free.
Jesus' witness that the entire moral law is still in effect, which includes prohibitions...
This was a message to inspire people that you are God's messenger, sent from Almighty God...
Patricia shares mentoring moments with tips on the importance of a good healthy plan of action...
God is preparing His people to become the Bride of His beloved Son and this excellent book will...
Part 1- Aaron uses both scripture and everyday items to give us a working definition to what...
We are on the verge of a new season in which the Father is going to demonstrate His love in a...
Un testimonio personal de un antiguo adicto sexual y la jornada a la sanidad a través del...
Becca continues to teach and tell stories of how Jesus sets the captive free through spiritual...
The key role that performance-orientation plays in the life of an addict and how God can set...
Our guest today is Charlotte Quist, part 2. For more on Dick and Joan Deweert, check out...
Iverna's teaching will inspire you to move deeper into the things of God and have a real...
Jill shares a prophetic word for 2007 about a season of refining, sifting and exposure in the...
Patricia King teaches on dreams and takes you to the streets to reach the lost by interpreting...
The author of The Shack tells the rest of the story of father-wounding and adultery.
June tells the story of her own sexual abuse as a child and offers advice on how to overcome the...
The place of your greatest opposition is the place of your greatest opportunity.
Dr. Brown looks straight into the camera and answers the toughest questions that can be posed by...
Billy Graham Association travels around the world heading up festivals that bring the revelation...
Foundational Training on Healing The Sick A specialized instruction course for believers to lay...
This young girl is healed and seeing now without pupils. Astonishing miracle.
Part 1 of a teaching series on what it truly means to be seated with Christ.
Worship in the throne room is such a delightful place. Kat shares her visit to the throne room.
This episode is Part 1 of a 5 part series on how the wounds in our soul may be causing all kinds...
<div> How do we live out the revelation that we are the head and not the tail?</div>
Message from the Jesus Culture event in Dudley. It doesn't take many to create change, you...
At the conclusion of the interview session, Aaron Winter asks David Hogan to pray a prayer of...
How do we step into the promise, see Jesus with our own eyes and become sons of the living God?
How the revelation of the true identity and authority of the believer, by faith, can set and...
Watch as a young university student encounters a mirculous healing that doesn't fit inside...
The death of her husband from AIDS, the death of her son in a car wreck & her famous...
Katie will release healing and show you how to position yourself to receive miracles in your own...
Science has proven that we have 3 brains. The head, heart and the gut brain. When we deal with...
This is a word for Steve who is in the cable business. God has put this business in your hands....
Human hearts are desperately searching for healing and hope! God has called us to a serious...
FEARLESS PARENTING presents the biblical guidelines and practical solutions to one of...
Establish your time with the Lord in your current trials so He can give you heavenly perspective...
We managed to catch up with Ryan who is the Worship Pastor here at Revival Fires and ask him how...
Resting in His presence opens your ear to hear what the Spirit is saying. Using the story of...
We have never been where we are going now. God is looking for a people to shine through!
Trauma is a powerful stronghold that keep you from the ability of receiving healing in your...
Todd White shares a testimony of healing from cancer that will build your faith to release...
We are coming into a time where the Glory of God will reside with us as like in the days of Moses.
Annie talks about her years as a high class prostitute, how Jesus rescued her from certain death...
The producer of the award-winning film, Nefarious, takes us on a journey through the world of...
パトリシア・キングと元イスラム教徒で現在牧師のファイサル・マリックが宗教の霊とは何か、またどのようにしてこの霊に打ち勝つことができるか教えます。 Patricia King and...
Author of The Shack tells his story of sexual abuse on the mission field, father-wounding &...
What has God promised you and you are still waiting for? God is want us to claim what He has...
My friend Kevin Zadai died and has a message burning in him to share with us! Get ready to...
The touching story of a sexually abused young girl who became a prostitute before finding her...
Pastor Steve Berger teaches on the biblical model for finding freedom from sexual sin.
Pt 1 - How a broken relationship with his father and resulting emotional wounds that led him...
We are created to live in two realms and to see and hear God’s revelation for today.
Do you really know Jesus or do you simply suffice to know about Him. He want deep intimacy with...
Align your heart with heaven and heaven will come down and change the earth.
The testimony of one man who found himself incapable of freedom from sex addiction, until he...
Dr. Aiko shares what it means to be molded and shaped by the Lord when we are on the Potters Wheel.
Sheri goes into depth regarding a statement that she made during our Love Revolution conference,...
What is the ancient mystery revealing about the future of the United States? 9.11,crashing of...
Abraham y Moises representan las dos formas de hacerse justo delante de Dios: por las obras de...
The story of two families and the different kinds of dramatic struggles that can ensue when your...
El rechazo y la falta de amor llevan a casi todos los problemas que enfrentamos. Cómo encontrar...
During this Christmas season don't forget about the gifts inside of you by focusing on the...
During our Love Revolution conference we caught up with Sheri Silk. Here is the interview in full.
Joan Hunter teaches how you can be healed, set free, and made totally whole body, soul, and...
James Goll shares a great encounter he had about the Holy Spirit coming in glory and power.
Who are the false prophets of our day? Can believers get along even if they don't agree on...
One of the greatest and most over-looked and highest weapons of spiritual warfare is the...
This woman was dramatically healed in the foyer of the church with a degenerated knee. She...
Listen and learn how to live in the space between impossibility and a sure thing. Part 2 of 4
Prophecy is a foundation that many believers do not think they can stand on. With this...
God is demonstrating His power through signs and wonders interfering with natural weather patterns.
Fractured and abused in childhood, Fionah is working the bars and strip clubs when Jesus comes...
A church that doesn't allow the gifts of the Spirit to operate in the church is half dead!...
Patricia King reveals five keys to refresh your spirit in times of trial.
Cindy Jacobs shares about the power of the Holy Spirit and how it's available to everyone!
Live testimonies of healing miracles, captured on video at the Healing School in Tempe, Arizona.
Patricia King shares mentoring moments on how to move past failures and gives keys to overcome...
This video will show you how to be notified by e-mail when fresh content has been uploaded.
The Chavdas discuss insights into their 30 years of ministry together, the keys to success for...
Patricia King's message on how believers must stand in these times of turmoil
On this Edition of Encounter TV, David ministers from the Philippine Islands.
In part 1 of the interview David Hogan tells Aaron Winter about the most bizarre and life...
This powerful message speaks of the doors that we open and other doors that God opens.
Angela is in a Zoom session with Derrick Gates on 622202 discussing his film From Death and...
Don't bury yourself in the sand in November. That is not the solution. It's a...
James Goll talks about his walk with God and what an impact it's made on his life.
Billy Graham's daughter talks about the adultery & abuse that was a part of her first...
Encounter TV Ancient Truth for the Modern World On this edition of Encounter TV, people...
Dick is preaching a message at Third Day on how to keep the family strong.
Let God remove the veils from your mind so you can see the new things He is trying to bring into...