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Learn To Hear God's Voice

Get practical insight on discerning God’s voice!
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Format | MP3 |
Speaker | Patricia King |
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The voice of God is powerful, and yet He speaks so often through a still small voice. In these whispers He can reveal His plans for you, lead you into the miraculous, and share with you the depths of His love. No wonder the enemy, from the very beginning, has tried to cast doubt upon our ability to hear God’s voice.Do you struggle with doubt? Do you have more faith in the devil to deceive than in hearing God’s voice? You are not alone. Yet the Lord says, “My sheep hear My voice.” In this message, Patricia will dispel so many of your fears and place your feet back on the rock of truth – you hear God’s voice! She gives practical insight on discerning God’s voice and restores your confidence in the heart of God to walk with you in the process as you grow.