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How to Walk by the Spirit PDF eBook

How to Walk by the Spirit PDF eBook
Trains you how to sense the movements of your spirit!
7.96 USD
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Author Mark and Patti Virkler
Length 136 pages

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Are you like many western Christians who have been taught little about how to sense their spirits? Do you have trouble even defining what spirit sensations feel like within you, much less recognizing them? This training was birthed from Mark’s passion to live out of his spirit, and thus release the anointing of God. The problem he faced was lack of clear biblical definition as to what his spirit felt like. So Mark looked up every verse in the Bible on heart and spirit.

Like Jesus, We Can Walk and Live by the Spirit

If Jesus was aware of s(S)pirit sensations within Him, and lived constantly out of them, then we must learn to do the same. The foundation of this book is the 1200 verses in the Bible which mention “heart” or “spirit”. You will look up many of them, answering two key questions: “What does this verse teach is a possible spirit-level characteristic or feeling?” and “When have I experienced such a spirit sensation? What did it feel like?” The goal is that you come away with a vocabulary to describe the spirit, and an awareness of the Holy Spirit's movements within you. You will learn how to radiate Christ out through your spirit. You will learn how to walk by the Spirit and not carry out the desires of the flesh (Gal. 5:16). You will learn to live as s(S)pirit-conscious as Jesus did. You will also learn to sense the spirits of those around you. By doing this, you will be able to minister heart to heart or spirit to spirit (Mk. 2:8).

How to Walk by the Spirit PDF eBook

This 136-page workbook guides you in a biblical meditation on the words heart and spirit. You read hundreds of verses on heart and spirit. You record what you are discovering and when you have experienced these heart/spirit sensations yourself, gaining an understanding of what your heart/spirit feels like inside you. You journal and ask the Lord what He wants to speak to you concerning the verses you are exploring. There are suggested group activities at the close of each chapter.

Chapters explore what the Bible has to say about the following topics: What does living out of my spirit look like? How do I define my spirit in practical enough terms so I will be able to feel its movements? What are the functions of my spirit? Does the Bible really say I have emotions in my spirit? What are the character traits that I could have in my spirit? What does the Bible say my spirit does? What things affect my spirit? How do I sense God's movement within my spirit? How do I release God out through my spirit? The answers to these questions will be practical, down to earth, biblical and something you can wrap your head and heart around.

As you look up hundreds of verses you will be praying over them, asking, "God, teach me to sense my spirit, and Your movement within my spirit."

This teaching is also available to purchase as DVDs and a hard copy book at our website: