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Counseled by God Video Download Package

Emotional wholeness through hearing God’s voice!
49.49 USD Share This
49.49 USD Share This
Author | Mark and Patti Virkler |
Contents | eBook, LEARN eNotebook & Video Download (13 Sessions) |
More Information
Have you ever been defeated by negative emotions such as anger, fear, guilt, inferiority, condemnation or depression? Have you tried to fight them off unsuccessfully? Is there an answer that is deeper than simply trying to mentally reason yourself out of these emotions? Is there a way that Jesus can speak a word of life into the depths of your emotional despair and bring healing on a deep level? Is there a form of Christian counseling that begins and ends with the movement of Christ within your heart, rather than simply with the words of man?Your Heart Can Be Healed Through Direct Interaction with the Holy Spirit
Yes, there is! It is built on your ability to commune with God and to receive a freshly spoken word from the Holy Spirit within your heart. This book will show you the way to emotional wholeness through personal interaction with Almighty God within your spirit, as it is recorded in your journal.
A genuine word from the Lord heals the broken-hearted. All the “how to” books can never do what a rhema word from God can do for the inner man. You will learn to let God speak to your heart and counsel you about the basic emotional pressures of life such as anger, doubt, depression, condemnation and inferiority. You will learn to let God replace these with His opposites, as His voice releases His grace within your heart. Those whom the Son sets free are free indeed!
"His name shall be called Wonderful Counselor." (Isa. 9:6)
"The words that I (Jesus) have spoken to you are spirit and are life." (Jn. 6:63)
How to Get the Most Out of This Teaching
The DVDs and CDs correspond with the Counseled by God book and LEARN Counseled By God notebook. For maximum growth and internalization, we recommend utilizing them both along with either the CD or DVD set. The LEARN notebook provides an outline to follow as you watch the DVDs or listen to the CDs. Also included are application exercises and classroom activities, making them ideal for personal use as well as in small and large group settings.
Testimonies from Those Who Have Been Counseled by God
"The course, 'Pure in Heart' (former title of 'Counseled by God') is worth a million dollars to me. It moved the issues of life from the theoretical and theological right down into the heart. In the second chapter Mark made this outrageous statement that every accusative thought is of the Accuser, and every positive, life-giving, up-building thought is from the Holy Spirit, the giver of life. I realized that 80 percent of my own thinking was negative. It so smote me in my heart. I prayed, 'God, this is completely unacceptable - completely! I cannot go through my life with 80 percent of my mind yielded to the enemy, to the Accuser!' ... I remember responding, 'Oh, God, You know I need You to help me with this one, I need You to give me a jab every time my mind starts to be negative and critical about people because I don't want to do this, Lord.' I knew I didn't have the resources and the self-discipline to get on top of it. I was afraid to promise Him that I would stop. I needed a miracle that would transform my heart and thinking, so my thoughts could be positive and life-giving."
Dr. John Arnott - Founding Pastor of Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship
(from "The Importance of Forgiveness" pages 7,8)
“Counseled by God has played a huge role in cementing my healing from depression in the autumn of 2009. This book has provided a stream of hope, confidence, passion and love, which has led me to marriage, to paid employment, to voluntary activities and to a greater-than-ever love of God and of people, including myself. To me, this book has been a miraculous and supernatural study guide. I am so grateful to God for His inspiring the creation of this book. I so want to promote this book to friends as ‘the best thing since sliced bread’. ” Simon John Townend
“Thank you! I am amazed at all God is doing in my life through the Counseled by God course. I wonder why no one has ever taught in this depth before. I had to say thanks.”
Margaret Golden