Deliverance Brought a Miracle and 20 People Were Saved!
The Secret to Solomon’s Wisdom – A Listening Heart
Encouraging Message from Dr. Barbie Breathitt
Two-way Journaling
A Christmas Card from Communion with God Ministries
Prophetic Teaching by Dr. Barbie Breathitt
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There are no coincidences in God. Everything the Almighty does is intentional, calculated,...
When we think of a Mothers greatest attribute; it has to be love!
Two way journaling
The COVID Va((ine
The premise of this article is to explain the depths to which the Lord uses dreams to affect our...
Cyndi Foster explains how to count our trials as joy.
If there is anything that this world needs today, it is to see the Church living and walking in...
YOU Can Stay Healthy! Know How!
Is God panicking over coronavirus?
Confronting Covid 19 - A Picture from God
Thank You Lord
Prophetic Perspective for 2022
What is imagination? Can our imagination be used for good and for evil? What is the difference...
I Am Not Working from a “To Do” List - Journaling Prayer by LaWanda
Free "4 Keys Wallpaper" to Download for Your Computer
two way journaling
Experiencing God's Love heals and breaks addictions
But today I remind you, and revive you, and awaken you, and lift you and elevate you to the fact...
Two-way journaling