This is an excerpt from the book “I Hear the Sound of Abundance” by Doctor Christian...
Two way journaling
Let My Spirit Break the Stronghold of Poverty – Journaling by Ken Day
Jesus LOVES Molding Us Into Vessels Fit for the Master’s Use
Sentí al Señor decir, “Como Mi gente busca mi rostro primero con corazones humildes y sinceros,...
When Jesus Could NOT Do Miracles (But Could Still Do Therapeutic Cures)
spiritual warfare
A blood covenant was between 2 people or groups, and the purpose was to exchange strengths for...
Celebrating victory
The Heavens Declare God’s Victory Over Coronavirus by Isabelle Declercq
Total Deliverance from Occult and Phobic Bondage
Lord, My Friend Died! I Thought She Was Being Healed!
Fasting: A Time Out
A Prophetic word for 2015 - The Year of ‘Establishment’
A prophetic word
"Do not look to the things that have gone before. For behold, watch, I do a new thing! A...
The heavenly Bridegroom is bidding His Bride to “Come up here” (Revelation 4:1), for deeper,...
Your Circumstances Are My Perfect Equation to Bring About My Desired End Result
Choose to Be a Blesser Rather Than a Converter
The answers are in the House! Your miracle is in the House! Your resurrection is in the House!...
Every Cloud Has a Silver Lining
Immanuel produces joy
Don't Agree Things Are a Pain in the Butt Unless You Want a Pain in Your Butt - By Linda Burton
Encouraging Message from Dr. Barbie Breathitt
How Does the BIBLE Say We Discover Truth?
The story is the landscape we judge everything by
Hearing from God