Don't be upset or worried. Negative emotions will only drain your strength and creative power to solve problems. Instead of fixating on the problem and racking your nerves, pray about everything. Let God know your concerns, recall and thank Him for the things He has already done. Allow the peace of God to invade your thought processes. Sense God's wholeness, knowing everything will come together for good. Christ will displace worry and fear when you invite Him to become the center of your life.
When we are in God’s presence, fear is replaced by a peace that surpasses the natural understanding. To understand is to forgive failures, even one’s own. The imagination gives us the power to transcend natural circumstances. God’s peace will guard our hearts and minds as we live in Christ. We must practice the spiritual truths we have received, learned, heard and seen in God. He alone is able to make everything work together for our good. He will cause His most excellent harmonies to fill our life and imagination.
If we love Jesus and keep God’s Word in our hearts, we will be filled with joy and our lives will reflect Jesus. We are called to be messengers of God’s glory and salvation. God draws us to Himself and keep us from the evil one. This is reflected in the beautiful prayer of John 17. Jesus prayed as He raised His eyes to heaven,
“Father, it is time to display the glory You gave me as Your only Son.” You sent Me to the earthly realm, so that man may have eternal life and know You as the one true God. You are glorified in My obedience. Father as I glorify You, let Me soak in the radiant splendor of Your presence surrounding Me. I have magnified Your greatness to those you have given Me because they first belonged to You. They know the revelation knowledge I have and the message I preach came from You. Those You gave Me believe I am sent by You. I pray that My life will be displayed in the people You gave Me.
You have given Me all things. What I have is from You and belongs to You. When I return to heaven those You have given Me will remain here in the world. I will not be able to guard them the way I have here on earth. Father I ask that You guard their lives. Draw them to Yourself so they will be one heart and mind with Us. I ask that You complete their joy, make them holy, consecrated with the truth of Your word. They have not joined with the ways of the world, so they are not defined by the world. The world hates them. I am not asking You to take them out of the world but to guard them from the Evil one.
Just as You sent Me into the world with a message of truth, I now send them into the world with the same message. I am praying for them to be successful in their mission and witness of Me. I am also praying for those that will hear the message of salvation and believe in Me. I desire that they become one heart and mind with Us, as You and I are one. I have given them the same glory You gave Me to unify them with Us. I am in them and You are in Me. I pray You help them mature into this oneness, that a godless world will have evidence that I was sent by God to love them in the same way You love Me. I want those You have given Me to love to always be with Me where I am. I want those who love Me to see My glory and the splendor You dwell in. Father You loved Me before the world was formed out of nothing but Your spoken words. The world does not know You, but I know and love You. The disciples You have given Me know that You sent Me because I have made You real to them. I will continue to show You and make You known to them so Your love for Me might be in them as I am already in them. (Author’s paraphrase)
The eyes of the Lord are searching for those whose hearts are completely His. When God catches our attention and we focus upon Him, He will show Himself strong on our behalf. God did not create us just to maintain status quo, but to regulate earthly matters in time through His power. If you are merely maintaining, you continue in the same position or miserable state of existence without allowing change. Our words and actions create situations. In order to grow, we must embrace change to effectively develop and mature as a spirit being, rather than being ruled and guided by our carnal nature. Our dreams will give us insight into the areas we still need to cultivate in order to achieve our utmost potential and highest degree of success in God.
The life we live on earth is our training ground, a boot camp if you will, for ruling and reigning with Him in heaven. God created us in His divine image; so we possess the power to create. The decisions we make, the places we go, the things we say create images in our subconscious. First, we think a thought; then we rehearse it until it begins to formulate an image. Finally, our words speak things into existence and our actions set dynamics into motion. We are to present and display the kingdom of God that dwells within us, releasing it in powerful demonstrations. We are not called to simply exist, but to be conduits that manifest a flow of God’s presence and power onto every scene and into every circumstance.
The eternal souls God created cannot be destroyed by man or “uncreated” by the enemy of our souls. Every person is an eternal being that is required to choose to love God who created us or to reject the greatest gift of all, eternal life through the salvation of Jesus. The human soul will remain forever. The question is where will that soul take up its unending residence; a glorious heaven, dwelling in peace with our Creator, God, and His angelic host or in the unprotected, dark and tormenting depths of a hell created for Satan and his demons, who abhor mankind?
Ingenious Truth
Truth is conforming to a standard of integrity due to actual facts that lead to one’s reality. There are various spheres of truth. Past truth, is chronological truth, our history that we memorialize. Present truth is the reality you are living in at the moment. Ingenious truth births fresh, new ideas and concepts we have not yet experienced or obtained yet. Ingenious truth leads to an innovative and creative future. To prosper we need an understanding of God’s truth in each sphere. Past, present and future truths are equal in value, because one cannot exist without the other.
We cannot have a present or a future without a past. The dilemma with truth is we are comfortable with the known factors and parameters of the past. We recognize that our past history already exists; so it is easier to preserve and repeat. The future is full of unknown variables, so if we allow, fear can cause us to stay within a limited field of experience. Whereas, if we exercise faith, we will boldly step into the unknown with our confidence in God, knowing He has gone before us to prepare the way.
Our past has fashioned us into who we are at present, but the past cannot order who we will be in the future if we embrace our brilliant future with our hope firmly rooted in God. Habitually reflecting on past disappointment causes the memory to maintain a destructive connection with the past. The modus operandi of the enemy is to torment our minds as we imagine what could have or should have been. We are then filled with regret and shame rather than focusing on the possibilities that are ahead, and the wonderful promise God has made to fulfill our lives. The fulfillment of the promise He has made may often drag on for what seems like an eternity. As months turn into years, waiting can be crushing and even humiliating. We question ourselves; we question our reasoning; and the enemy will capitalize on our misery to the point where we may even begin to question God. Jesus inquired of His disciples, “Who do the people say that I am?” More importantly, Jesus made it personal when He asked “Who do you say that I am?” Jesus knew that when we place our hope in anything other than Him we will be disillusioned. Hope deferred makes the heart despondent.
It is imperative to always remember that God is exact truth and faithful. One of the names of God is Faithful and True. To move forward into our destiny we must completely disconnect from the disappointments, limitations, frustrations and failures of the past. Ingenious truth releases creativity and enables us to press forward into our future with sharpened spiritual vision and confront all obstacles with imagination and resourcefulness. Ingenious truth will not manifest in the person who is continually looking back. Jesus warned of this when He said, “Remember Lot’s wife.”
Nothing exists in the natural realm until we are able to connect through observation. The words we speak paint a positive or a negative picture in the mind’s eye. “The mind’s eye can be defined as: the human ability for visual perception, imagination, visualization, and memory. In other words, the mind’s eye is one’s ability to see things with the mind. Because many dreams are symbolic mysteries, God’s guidance is necessary to uncover their hidden meanings. God intended that we get to know Him better through this process of discovering the meaning of our dreams. Our image center is a vehicle that the Holy Spirit can access if we are open to Him. The Holy Spirit will give us dreams in the night or streams of thought during the day to bring revelation and direction to our lives.”
The way we describe an event causes the hearer to believe success or failure. Pictures are painted with thousands of words because they add the intricate details that frame the scenario. Visual memory is created through the hearing of the word. The spoken word through prophecy is a powerful tool that unleashes a person’s potential when they mix the hearing of the word with faith. God’s Word is progressive so it is always moving forward and active. To apprehend the Word of God so that it lives largely and active within us will take a lifetime of making progress in our understanding of whom Christ is in us. God’s goodness is great! The Lord has stored up and hidden many wonderful mysteries in His Word for those who fearfully follow and trusts in His ways, making Him their refuge. In the secret place of His presence He continues to hide us from the tongues of evil men who conspire against us. God shelters and protects us so His Word can have a starting place in us to bring forth an abundant harvest.
God’s words have an ability to build, remove obstacles and clear a way to make new infrastructures. The holy God of eternity communicates with humble people who have crushed spirits. God’s Word creates within us a new spirit full of hope giving us the heartiness to stand expectantly on our feet again. His Word heals our brokenness and places a new song in our heart. He leads us on firm paths and brings refreshing to our weary souls. New found comfort empowers us so we do not give up before we possess our promises.
Words are like seeds that are planted in the fertile soil of the believer. If they are protected, nurtured and watered with positive actions, they take root and spring forth with the ability to multiply their seed bearing potential. Increase, abundance and multiplication of life are in the power of the written and inspired spoken Word. When negative, critical or doubt-filled words are released and the hearer agrees, these words release death, poverty and destruction. When positive verbal seeds are planted in a soul, they grow the fruit of productive images in the imagination.
Negative word seeds grow visions of skeletons of lack staggering about in a shroud of scarcity and casualty. While positive seeds bring forth a healthy body gleaning a vast harvest of greatness, distinction, and prominence. Spoken words produce our future. When a constructive future is presented, agree with it. Liberate your inspired imagination to take it to a higher level. Observe the powerful picture as it is formed. When the vision is complete, allow it to imprint on your heart. Once it is imprinted on your heart, it becomes part of your spiritual DNA. This visual roadmap will lead you to destiny.
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Wendy Brooks 11 years ago
I receive this. A right now Rhema Word for my life.
Fred Dean 11 years ago
Just what I needed, thanks Barbie!