Revival Will Heal Our Nation! 4 Keys to Revival
I Had A Dream Last Night
I will illuminate your eyes, and teach you the principles of My ways, that you may walk in My...
Prophetic Teaching by Dr. Barbie Breathitt
Can Unsaved Children Hear God’s Voice?
Overcoming the Fear of a Cancer Diagnosis – By Mike Bastien
Part Six - Common Denominators of Great Diets
You don't have to be perfect. Perfection came, wrapped in swaddling clothes and placed in a...
What is the secret that great kings, prophets, priests, martyrs, mighty apostles, lovers of God,...
Angels: My Personal Hegais
Battle Cry and Rock - Journaling Prayer by LaWanda
Using e-Sword to Explore the Words "Heretic" and "Heresy"
Spirit anointed college courses from home
Our Churches and Places of Worship Are Under Attack!!!
This is an excerpt from the book “I Hear the Sound of Abundance” by Doctor Christian Harfouche.
In 2016, Heaven will witness a great reunion and gathering of backslidden Christians
I sensed the Lord saying, "As my people seek My face first with sincere hungry hearts I...
Psalm 27: 13-14 says, “I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in...
A Lively, Fun Interview with Charisma About Our New Edition of Prayers That Heal The Heart
Does a quiet spirit mean I need to be quiet? Journaling by Linda Garmon
Freedom from curses
A book review of an exciting book
I Either LOVE the Truth or Am Under a Deluding Influence
Media represents potential mass communication through print, video, audio, television, movies,...
God is waiting to open the windows of heaven - Journaling by Ken Day
Patti Sees Angels Protecting the Message of Communion With God
Wisdom and Revelation