Author: Steve Porter
A Prophetic Charge for June 2016
In a vision, I saw a vast field ready for someone to sow seed to bring in a harvest. The sun was gently setting, the field was plowed and ready for someone who had a vision for something more than just an empty plot and was willing to do the work to PUSH until something happened. I sensed the Lord showing me that He also had a spiritual field that needed seeds sown for future harvest; will He find laborers this June tenacious enough to sow the seed—with a sense of desperation for something more than what the church already has? For there is much more God wants to plant and a huge harvest for us to reap.
I also saw a desperation hitting the body of Christ in June 2016—a mounting desire to constrain the Lord and see His hand move throughout the earth as never before. I heard the word "pressing". I saw corporate gatherings where they set aside man's agenda to seek after the Lord afresh—pressing in deeper to move in the glory, humbly seeking what God wants to do, setting aside human plans and purposes.
I sensed the Lord saying, "As my people seek My face first with sincere hungry hearts I will surprise them with visitation. When I move, My people will become content with only Me and will no longer desire anything less than the fullness of what I want to give them.”
I sensed the Spirit imparting a deep desire to press in. I saw a renewed desire to pursue and press in, to discover the depths of the plans of God.
What does it mean to press? What does it mean to "constrain the Lord"? When you hear the word "constrain", sometimes you think in terms of restraining or limiting someone's activity; but when I use the word "constrain", I'm talking about a tugging or pulling on someone.
To constrain, to pull or press speaks of a heart attitude that desperately wants closeness with God—someone who's eager and excited to be His friend. I sense the Lord saying, "I long to see a generation with a holy hunger to press in. They have a desire to constrain Me, to come and dwell with Me and never leave."
In Strong's Concordance, the word "constrain" is defined as to compel, to urge and to press. This is not an ordinary request; it is a persistent, heartfelt yearning and, as a result, they press in and stay close, listening and able to hear the still, small voice of the Spirit. It's a heart that pushes for a deeper level of fellowship that's not satisfied with a casual encounter.
How many people do we know right now who want nothing more than a casual encounter with God? "Oh God, just come and bless me." "Oh God, just do something." But they're not compelling Him to come and to stay close. I find that if we compel Him—if we're really hungry for Him and if we press in—He will come and meet with us. I sense the Lord wooing His people to come close in June as He has much to reveal in the days ahead if we have ears to hear, waiting on Him.
The problem is that we love our watches. And if the Lord doesn't come after five minutes, we give up and grow weary of waiting then go on to the next activity. If we don't see results after an hour, we become discouraged. We need to ask the question, Is it something that's so deep inside me that I can't help but call out to Him? "Jesus, son of David, come into my life and move by your Spirit. Come by your Spirit and talk to me! Come by your Spirit and walk through my home. I want you 24/ 7. Jesus, turn my life upside down this summer!"
Is it just a prayer, something you say without conviction, or do you mean it with all your heart and all your guts? Because if it means everything to you and you don't give up in defeat, He will come and move in your life this summer but He wants to know you really mean business. Do you really mean business? Many say they want to press in but, once tested, the truth is that it was mere lip service.
Jesus, the sweet Master, is truly worth pursuing no matter what it takes. If you have to pursue and pray and fast for weeks or hours a day then do it. Just do it. Press in and constrain the Lord to come and manifest Himself to you this summer, resisting the temptation to give up before you see it happen. "Don't squander another summer," says the Lord . "Press!"
I sense the Lord asking His church to sow seeds this June for the seasons to come. He is looking for tenacity and perseverance to press in and stay in the secret place. If you want more of God, don't take no for an answer because He wants that kind of fellowship with you more than you could even dream. Don't give up. Never give up! Pursue Him as if your life depends on it because in these last days it really does! #junepressing2016
Steve Porter
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