Author: Mark Virkler
LaWanda – “I love you Lord and I lift my voice to worship you, O my soul rejoice. Take joy my King in what you hear. May it be a sweet, sweet sound in your ear.” Thank you, Lord, that your joy is my strength.
I see you today, Lord, with all of us gathered around you as in a “group hug”. But somehow you are the one hugging all of us not the other way around. And every single one of us feels the closeness, the power of your touch. It is like that verse where you said you would love to gather Israel as a hen gathers her chicks but they would not, except that we are all willing, Lord. We want to be here, held in your embrace. What a glorious place to be! Thank you, Lord, for holding us close. Thank you, Lord, for cradling my head to your chest and holding me securely so that I can rest in this marvelous LOVE that you are. Thank you, Jesus. I never want to leave this place even when I am doing other things. Thank you, Lord, that even in the midst of living my life, I can see you cradling my head, protecting me from thoughts not of you and holding me close so that even at your feet, I can stand in your Love. Thank you, Jesus, precious Savior, my God and my King.
Jesus – LaWanda, my dear one, my precious, precious one. It is my good pleasure to hold you close no matter what you are actually doing. As you picture my hand, cradling your head, it give you much peace. The gentleness, the tenderness of the word “cradling” is intentional. I want you to see the love I have for you in that one word. I want you to feel it. I want you to see in that one word, the love that a mother has for her newborn as she gazes at this miracle she is holding and know, without understanding how, the magnitude of My love for you. What a gift I have given you in this one verse of Scripture, LaWanda. You will take it with you for the rest of your life. And you will picture it often. You will feel that tenderness when you need it and when you do not. You will wonder how my protection can be so gentle and yet so strong. And even as you feel my left hand cradling your head, you will feel my right hand holding you close. So close that Satan cannot sneak anything in between us. This one verse will be your battle cry and your Rock, for when you are in my arms, what can the enemy do to you? N O T H I N G, LaWanda. Absolutely, nothing. With this one verse, the God of Peace is showing you how He will indeed “swiftly pound Satan to a pulp under your feet.” This verse is indelibly imprinted in your mind and in your heart, LaWanda. Ready to use for battle. Ready to use for praise. Ready to use for thanksgiving. Ready to use in worshiping the very One who gave it to you. The One who holds you even now.
This verse taken to heart, ingested into you, as you have done, is what allows you to rest in My love, even as you are fighting your battles. This one verse, given to you in your grief, will be used in your joy as well. It has increased your faith exponentially and will continue to do so.
It has been “blessed and multiplied” as you have given it back to Me in every testimony you have shared. Look what I did with the 5 loaves and 2 fishes, LaWanda. What can I do even greater than that when it is My Word that is being offered back to me in praise of who I am?
O LaWanda, you have tasted for sure but you have only just begun to see what I will do through this one Word that I have given to you, my dear one. It is indeed being blessed and multiplied. Every time you speak this verse, I am blessing you. I am expanding your territory for My glory, dear one. My hand is on you in a mighty way, and I am protecting you and those who hear it with the power of My Blood, My Word and My Name.
“His left hand cradles my head while His right hand holds me close.
I am at rest in this love.”
Song of Songs 2:6, TPT
“And the God of peace will swiftly pound Satan to a pulp under your feet! And the wonderful favor of our Lord Jesus will surround you.”
Romans 16:20 TPT
Matthew 23:37, Song of Songs 2:6, Romans 16:20, Matthew 14:13-20, Psalm 34:8
Isaiah 49:16, Jeremiah 15:16, I Chronicles 4:9-10
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