Author: Tony Francis
In 2016, Heaven will witness a great reunion and gathering of backslidden Christians. Our heavenly Father will be spreading His wings very wide because of the increase of His family that will take place this coming year. The Lord, in his great wisdom and love, will be working behind the scenes to hook up His backslidden children that are trapped in the deception of this world. God is going to show up strong in power and will manifest His presence in our midst like never before to reveal and refresh once again those who are far from the reality of His presence. This will draw a multitude to come forth in brokenness and in true repentance with a real and sincere commitment in their walk with the Lord. In 2016, the backslidden will no more be backslidden because God is going to establish and root them in the experienced truth. Those who were once cold will be fiery ones and will have a big influence in their community.
I see that many are washing their hands not like Pilate’s washed of his hands when he ignored Christ and surrendered his responsibilities. This washing of hands will be different. It will be the cleansing work of the Spirit of the Lord, which He will do in His children. “Who may ascend the mountain of the Lord? Who may stand in his holy place? The one who has clean hands and a pure heart” (Psalms 24, NIV). The angels, who once rejoiced loudly when these sinners became saints years ago, will now rejoice even more so in the backslidden saints who will become Christ-like and more committed. It’s going to be a double party up there!
The day of wandering away from the Lord is coming to an end this coming year. 2016 will be a year of intimacy with the Lord like never before, a year of commitment, and a year of rekindling of your lost passions to the One who never stopped loving you! Amen
Tony Francis
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