Author: Mark Virkler
Are you doing what God is asking you to do to release His Kingdom? Every Christian must be MORE involved than the atheist is! Recent data from the Cooperative Election Study shows 20% of atheists have participated in a march or protest, compared with 6% of white evangelicals. Forty percent of atheists have contacted a public official, compared with 24% of white evangelicals. Fifty-two percent of atheists have donated to political candidates, compared with just 26% of white evangelicals.
If you have followed me you know I am passionate about health. I have over 100 blogs on health and half a dozen books. So I want to discuss health in the rest of this blog.
I met with my MD this week for an annual check-up. He is a devout Catholic. He is trained in natural health as well as allopathic approaches. Six months ago he told me what natural product to take to do away with AFib. I did what he said and in three weeks, AFib symptoms had disappeared and have stayed away. I am getting a blog out about that protocol in the next week or so.
Click here to read about my MD's feelings about the state of state health care system in America
His statements are shocking. I also include a link to an astounding video interview about a friend who is a hospitalist of 17 years who shares her encounters with Covid patients, the NYS Dept. of Health, and her hospital administration. It is information that you NEED to know! Out of new 35 patients in intensive care one day in her hospital, she tells you how many had been vaccinated! It will blow your mind!
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