Author: Apostle Doctor Christian Harfouche
The Church: Living in the Power of First-Century Faith
If there is anything that this world needs today, it is to see the Church living and walking in the power of the first-century faith.
Many in the world—even in the Christian world—are waiting for another “happening”. You find yourself attending meetings, going to conferences, and hearing different voices. And talk is cheap whenever the voices that are speaking are promising some kind of a “happening” that is supposed to add to what Christ has already delivered to the Saints’ safe-keeping.
The world is not looking for a generation full of fear. No proof of the Lordship of Christ is ever provided through indifference.
I don’t care what the name on your Church is. I don’t care what denomination you are. I don’t care if you’re seeker-sensitive; I don’t care if you’re legalistic; I don’t care if you’re ritualistic; I don’t care if you’re Pentecostal; or if you’re Baptist; if you’re Full Gospel; or Church of God; or Church of God in Christ; or Pentecostal Holiness; or Universal Worldliness. I don’t care how you dress. I don’t care how you try to relate to people. I don’t care if you wear jeans, or if you carry a surfboard, or if you wear slippers to the church. I don’t care if you dress a particular way and look a particular way: You have nothing to offer a world that is bound by the powers of hell unless you have access to the Faith that was delivered in the first century through the Almighty Holy Ghost to God’s chosen people in that upper room!
And today, God is looking for people who are looking—who will not allow the world to dictate to them what time it is! Don’t tell me “it’s a different time.” Don’t tell me “it’s modern days.” Don’t tell me “it’s the 21st Century.” Don’t tell me “it’s dark times.” Don’t tell me excuses. I have found Him!
We have the Cure to HIV! We have the Cure to cancer! We have the Cure to immorality! We have the Cure to crisis! We have the Cure to every problem in the world today, through the almighty Holy Spirit and the Faith that was delivered to the Apostles and is alive in the Apostolic Global Church here and worldwide. And we will rock Pensacola, and the five state region, and the entire United States of America, and the world!
While people are sitting down and twiddling their thumbs there is a God looking. His eyes are looking. Today, His eyes are looking and He sees clearly. He’s looking in this congregation and He’s saying, “I’m going to find somebody. Is there a woman? Is there a man? Is there a child? Is there someone that will allow me to take their hand and lift them up to another level so that they can participate in the front line invasion of my supernatural call?”
Honestly, we have had a substandard message. Even in the height of revelation that has come to the Body of Christ, the Message has not gone over to being corporate or collectively relevant, so it ceased and stopped at a particular place, while the world was still taking an accelerated momentum in the wrong direction.
The world is in desperate need of real Christians.
Where are the people that rule over economic circumstance? Where are the sowers in the time of famine and reapers in the same year? Where are the dead man raisers? Where are those who shut and open heaven? Where is the generation that will not settle for what we have, or try to just barely keep it? Where are the people who have graduated from mummifying the body to raising the dead? Where are the people? Where is the generation?
Let me tell you something: The spirit that hit the world to divide father from son and mother from daughter—that spirit of division that hit the world that came in through the 60s. And until today people are taught—in Church sometimes and in the world all the time—that there is a breakdown of communication between generation and generation. I’m so thrilled He said this, “He will turn the hearts of the children to the fathers and the hearts of the fathers to the children.” See what’s going to happen: there’s a unity, but it’s not a unity of the human—we already talked about Babel—it’s a unity of the Faith.
“Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ.” Ephesians 4:13 KJV
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