LaWanda – Oh Jesus, I am so humbled. It is your grace that allows it all. By your grace, you chose me before the foundation of the world. I fall so short, Lord, again and again. Will you never get tired of my failures, Lord? And yet you allow me by your grace to feel your presence once again. By your grace, I sit before you now, tears streaming in your presence. O Jesus, precious Lord. I love you, Jesus. Thank you for your unimaginable love.

Jesus – Yes, LaWanda, my dear one, you are my precious one. You will always be. When you get this – that you are now and will forever be mine - it will take you to a deeper place. There will be no condemnation when you fall because I, by my grace, will not allow it.
O dear one, my precious one that I love so dearly. Just come again and again…and again. “Just say no” is a wonderful way to do it. In traffic just say no to frustration and impatience and yes to my mercy and grace. As you give mercy and grace over and over it will not get old. In fact, you will want to do it more. Because when you do, you are acting like Me. And the more you act like Me, the more you become like Me. This is the goal, LaWanda. It changes you – it literally changes you - into My image.
So, welcome these opportunities to give mercy or grace. I may not send them to you, but I will surely use them for My glory. I want to see Myself when I look at you, LaWanda. Let My love transform you by giving it away.
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