Author: Mark Virkler
LaWanda – Jesus, precious Lord. I am undone in your presence. I am undone thinking about your hand on me, Lord. Precious Lord Precious Savior.
I see me, Lord, running into your open arms. Arms wide open, waiting to receive me. The joy on your face as I come overwhelms me, Lord. As you wrap your arms around me, I am crying, tears of joy but You are laughing with joy for I have come home. Your tenderness toward me is so precious, Lord. Your love, constant and unchanging. Let me revel in your arms today, Lord. Let me revel in your great love. I am undone.
Jesus – O LaWanda, my precious one, my dear one, my beloved one. You are the object of My desire. I want you near me, near to my heart, LaWanda, for my heart will change you. All that is not of me will go. It cannot stand in My love.
You see, when people get even a glimpse of My love, it undoes them. That is how powerful My love is. People have never been that loved before. That is why it is transforming. As My love permeates you, all that is not love - all that does not serve Me - must go. It cannot stand in the presence of my penetrating all-consuming love.
This is how people are healed in a heartbeat, how addictions are broken in a moment. It is an encounter with My love that does it. It is the strongest force in the Universe, the basis of it all, the foundation for it all.
It is my love that touches you, LaWanda, and what has been touched by Me…is forever…TRANSFORMED.
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