Author: Mark Virkler
LaWanda - Oh Jesus, my Lord and my God. Your love for me overwhelms me. The magnitude of your all-knowing, your omniscience, is so beyond me, Lord. How the old Testament is woven into the new. How Isaiah 53 pictures your death. Did Isaiah see a vision of you on the cross, Lord? If he did, I think it would have been another WOE is ME moment when he saw you. Thank you, Lord for your Word which so beautifully reveals who you are and how very much you love us. Thank you, Lord.

Lord, I see you throughout the ages intervening in the lives of humanity – in the lives of your people. Sometimes they know it and sometimes they do not. Oh Lord, thank you for all those times you have intervened in my life. Just the times you have made yourself known to me. So many. Times when I knew it in the moment but have long forgotten. Forgive me, Lord, for forgetting. There have been so many. Even in these journals, Lord, how many times have I felt your presence, your hand upon me? Too many to count. Indeed, every day that I come before you here, you make your presence known. Thank you, Lord. Thank you for your faithfulness and your love.
The Father - LaWanda, my dear one, my cherished one, my beloved, my highly valued one, I cannot NOT be faithful. My love and my mercy are everlasting. Do you really think that you could outrun a love so great? Is there a sin too great for my mercy? If I hold you in my hand, if I hold the oceans within their boundaries, can I not blow the breath of my Spirit on you? When you answered the call to come to me, when you accepted me, you had no idea of the magnitude of that decision. You only knew my great love. You only saw the love of my sending Jesus for you. But what a glorious decision you made. Now that you know, can you hear heaven rejoicing??? And even though you did not know the magnitude of all that I am, I was still who I am. And I still am today – a Father who loves his children and whose desire is that they ALL answer that call and come home to Him. Will you tell them today, LaWanda? Let the love that I pour into you flow out through you to every person you meet. Be conscious of this, LaWanda, and I will show you how very much I love you, AND how to share this love with those around you.
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