Water Baptism
A Safe Ministry to Channel 100% of Your Gift to the Ukraine Church
Suicide Averted Through a Vision, Compassion and Intercessory Prayer
Media represents potential mass communication through print, video, audio, television, movies,...
The Church Must Prepare, Hear, Fight, Win
Wise Information Plus Action Removes Anxiety
Beloved - A Valentine's Meditation by Charity Kayembe
it is time to deliver a revival baby, The harvest is coming and in preparation for the harvest...
You and I are partners with God. I declare over you today, as we march together in this year,...
Why Did the Vision of Jesus Get Dark? Journaling by Pam Russell
God is designing our paths, things prepared for us we have not seen yet, not been revealed,...
"You Are of Your Father the Devil!" Wow! Who Said That?
10 Therapeutic Modalities Scripture Reveals Lead to Health
I sleep, but my heart is awake; it is the voice of my beloved! He knocks, saying, “ Open for...
The Church Slept. Hitler Arose. Millions Died. Bonhoeffer Fought Back.
You can make a difference by spreading hope and truth
Interview with Joshua Mills on Creative Glory
Discussion on the power and value of modern-day encounters with Him.
We are the bridge between conservative traditionalists who anchor their Christian life on a...
Spreading spirituality
Tweak It and Try It Again! (Learning to Live in the Supernatural) By Keith Luker
our obedience is not legalism, it is our loving response to God\'s grace. Jesus call for us...
Why I Believed I Could NEVER Be Part Of Revivals & WHAT CHANGED MY MIND
Hearing from God
Proclaim God’s Rule, Keep Your Spirits High, Be Part of the Answer
Covid-19 Virus Prayer Provided by Ken and Sylvia Thornberg