Author: George Strawbridge
Jesus, what would You like to reveal to me about Your river? How important is it, how can I abide in it, what will be the results, and what happens if I don’t abide in it?
George, it all begins with Me. I died on the cross so that My Spirit could come and abide in you. Because My Spirit is joined and mixed into your spirit, the river that flows from My throne room, and through the main part of the Holy City, flows from your spirit and out through your earthly soul (mind, emotions, and will) out into the physical world touching and healing the people that are around you.
George, I reside on the inside of you. Now, how you can cooperate with Me is constantly throughout your day and night you meditate on Me. Choose to think of Me and what you have read from My Word; listen to what My Spirit is saying to you and think, ponder and imagine that. You will know what My Spirit is saying to you because it will ring true with you. There won’t be doubt, and you will say “that makes sense.” It is a feeling of satisfaction and peace that it is from Me, and you rest knowing that it is true.
George, when you are called by your name you turn around because you know your name. There is no one in the world that could convince you that your name is not George. No matter what they say to you to convince you otherwise, you know that they are in the wrong. Well, it’s the same type of faith and sense that your heart will have. No one will be able to convince you otherwise about the truth that I have spoken to your heart. Once you know My truth and it is firmly rooted and planted on the inside of you, no one will be able to shake it, and you will bear the fruit that I have called you to bear.

Jesus, what practical steps can I take to get to that point?
George, by meditating on the words that I speak to you. Always think, ponder, and imagine them as done. The more you do this, the more your roots will grow deeper and deeper into Me.
Jesus, is there anything else that You would like to say about Your river?
Yes. You can do nothing worth any value, or bear good fruit, without it. Anything you do outside of My flowing river is considered a dead work and will be cut off and burned. They may seem like good works to the world, but they are not. George, this is where the praise of men comes in and how it can easily deceive you. On the outside, in the physical world, the wisdom and acceptance of man make sense to your old man that I have called you to put to death. If you are not constantly meditating on My Word day and night you will be easy prey to follow the world's wisdom. Remember, the wisdom from the outside world is from the pit, even though it may seem good. If you are planted by My River of Life you won’t be deceived, but if not you will be deceived, and what is wrong you will see and act on as right and good.
Now George, the benefits of you deeply rooted in Me is that you will be able to know from experience My intimate love for you and you will receive power and have the strength and ability to grasp what is the length, height, and depth of My love. When you experience for yourself My love in this way you will be led by it. For it is out of My love that the people around you will be healed and see Me in you. They will be drawn to Me Who is flowing out of you.
So Jesus, if I have this correct, my part is to be diligent in my thought life, like only thinking about Your Word?
Not just thinking about My Word, George, but asking Me how My two commandments can be applied in your everyday life. When you're shopping, think of how you can apply “do unto others as you would have them do to you.” Treat them how you would like to be treated. Ask Me and I will show you.
George, when it comes to loving Me with your whole being and aiming to put Me above everything else, I’m NOT asking you to disregard your responsibilities in the situation you are in right now, but ask Me how things should be done and I will show you. This is practicing My presence. Try it today and see the good stuff that I give you.
George, meditating on Me day and night means that you simply have Me in the forefront of your mind and us discussing your day. We are partners in life. As you come to Me in all things and yielding your will to Mine, you are loving Me with everything that you are. Practice this daily and your roots will grow deep in My River of Life and you will bear much fruit that will give our Father glory.
Thank You, Jesus.
You're welcome, George.
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