Jesus’ Side of the Tracks
Heightened Kingdom Emotions become channels for the release of the power of the Spirit...
Everyday Angels Audiobook Released!
How to receive Christ as your Lord and Saviour
Symptoms Go into Remission as I Speak to My Body
Word for Orlando
Saved by Supernatural Guardians
two way journaling
The drawing power of Jesus!
Not only does God want to have a restored relationship with us, he wants us to have restored...
All truth is parallel, if we know how our enemy has operated in the past, then we can understand...
Living Out of My Voice - Journaling by George Strawbridge
Two-way journaling
HELP! How Can I Discover Truth? The Best Epistemology Ever Is Revealed By Jesus
His cleansing Fire, is the Fire of His passion that burns within us. We can learn to have peace...
spreading revival
Pray for All Who Are in Authority - A Great Way to Be Politically Active & It Beats Fretting
A Prophetic Word to the Church – Do NOT Forfeit Your Destiny!
Patti Sees Angels Protecting the Message of Communion With God
entering into a new decade, soon, 2010 and over the next decade, rising up in glory together,...
Prayerfully Speak God’s Healing Promises
We are dust fused to glory!
Every Act of Obedience Puts Satan on Notice - Journaling Prayer by LaWanda