I have been restless, feeling bored with my life and struggling to feel your created purpose for me. I know I have purpose in what I do but there seems to be more! Tell me what to do!

You search me for answers. You search my principles on how to live a successful life. But You forget to search Me. You look for Me in this pragmatic manner when I want to just be with you. I want you to find me to be enough. You search for satisfaction in what you do. I want you to be satisfied in simply knowing Me because you love Me. Not to know me to make it useful for your life. I want you to love Me. I want you to Know Me. I actually have SO MUCH for you in my presence and coming to just know Me. I want you to be fully satisfied in Me and I promise to do that for you. Come to me. Come. to. Me. alone. Put the cares and questions down and come first to me.

After crying, I heard Psalm 16:11. I read it and the Lord opened up a vision of what He was saying to me. I wrote out what I saw in poetic form. I don’t write poetry. This is my 2nd poem in my entire life.

Now you’ve got my feet on the path that leads to life all radiant from the shining of Your presence. You fill me with joy when I am with you and pleasures of living with you, forevermore (Psalm 16:11).

“The Window”

Looking through the glass panes

I see my story writing itself

Gold shimmery rays illuminate the sky swaddling the earth with Its glistening energy

Petals and stamens drink up the warmth of the Son

Forests and terrains echo the force of His presence

A footpath made of dirt unrolls and trails after the rest of the earth

          treading the broad shouldered trees with flowering crowns

          chasing the wild dancing blooms

          framing the lane sprawling after distant hills and valleys

          stretching towards the wide open heavens

This is the passageway I have been set upon.

My feet touch the ground, planted in the soil, scooping up dirt with my toes

          My heart throbs; my chest is full; my ears discern a distant sound

                     A song that feels familiar to my desires,

                     lyrics only my destiny has yet heard;

                     like a song-bird, a voice-eternal warbles a tune birthed out of the heavenlies

          without notice, without care, my feet begin to walk to the beat of my pounding heart

          Leading me by their waltz, joy and peace go before me smoothing out the path I’m on

I find myself enclosed by a sanctuary, untamed yet sacred,

crystal colors bursting, gardens wild and free, the air deliriously fragrant

And I feel so warm and safe.

My cheeks are wet from the windows of my soul

          My breaths are coming, deep and slow,

                     My shoulders relaxed, my arms swaying low and light

                               My toes tipping back and forth

                                         I’m softly twirling

                                                   my smile, bright and gay

                                                              my spirit is dazzling

Reaching for my hand, Lifting my head, Keeping our gaze

This is where I belong, where I want to be

Dancing closely with My Beloved

In stride wth Him, dancing upon injustice, each springy step filling the earth with His glory

This is where I belong, this is my life’s destiny,

This is our song

and I’m dancing closely with My Beloved

For all of our eternity.

By Vanderly Arnold