Author: Anne Bolick
Anne completed the two-journaling below as one of her personal application assignments in this CLU School of the Spirit module on How to Hear God's Voice.
The questions I am asked to respond to at the end of the chapter are: Lord, how important is it to use the eyes of my heart? How have I been using them? How would You have me use them?
Me. I am concerned, Lord, because I seem to be hearing Your voice more. But is it just my thinking or is it You? I know that in the training Dr. Virkler said that the speech/language that Jesus uses as He speaks in our journaling is very similar to our own speech, meaning that we may think it is simply us speaking and not You. Your voice is something I want to live out of daily, but I don’t want to make a mistake.
Vision. I see Jesus throw His head back and laugh and I think of a picture Pastor Grace forwarded to me with Jesus laughing.
Jesus. I use pictures, especially pictures with you, Anne, because you have become so visual, a true seer. And I use words. They are often words you have memorized and pictures you have seen. Then there are times we go into the prophetic and I use scenes and wording that you are not familiar with in that situation.
Me. I think of the time when God gave me a word for a man and said to say to him: Fly like a butterfly. Sting like a bee. That’s why they call me Muhammad Ali. Turns out he was an ex-boxer.
Pictures. I think of dreams that are so frustrating for me because they are hard to interpret – except the dream last night. I knew immediately what it meant.
Vision. Again, I see Jesus laughing.
Jesus. Enjoy the journey, Anne. You are too serious. Lighten up. Enjoy all that I have made for you. Look at the stars in the sky. Check out every tree I designed. (I love trees.) Look at the blades of grass. Review the flower beds that are being planted for the fall season. Enjoy, Anne. You are allowed to enjoy your life. You are too serious. Remember Mary and Martha. Be a Mary. Enjoy your life. You have much to enjoy.
Me. I am dumbfounded. Jesus is right.
Jesus. Serious. So serious. Be that little girl who delights in all that I have created.
I hear that commercial saying: Stop and smell the roses.
Jesus. Stop. Look around. Time is short. This is just a taste of heaven. Get the flavor of heaven as you go about your day. It’s okay to spend 5 minutes to get to the park. Don’t be in a hurry.
Me. I think that before, because of all the responsibilities I had, there was not enough time. It’s hard to think that I don’t have to plan every minute and see how much I can accomplish in a day. I find myself hurrying through the grocery store – and I don’t have to. Always hurrying.
I feel strange. Like it’s new territory. I don’t have a reference point.
Jesus. Was this Me talking to you, or do you think it was you talking to yourself?
Me. Jesus, You are so awesome, to the nth degree!
Jesus. I know.
Vision. I see Him smiling.
Jesus. And I helped you with your homework. You thought you would not have anything to post.
Me. That is true. I am always concerned I will not hear God’s voice and fail.
Jesus. I am always talking, Anne. I am a real chatterbug.
Me. I think of the song “In the Garden.” It reflected the deep desire for the relationship I wanted with Jesus.
Jesus. It has begun. But there is so much more for you to experience.
Vision. I see a baseball field with an emphasis on the home plate. I hear, It’s a home run! Again, I see Jesus laughing.
Jesus. Joy is the language of heaven. Come. Let’s speak joy together.
Me. Again. I have no reference point. What does it feel like?
Jesus. Take my hand and I will lead you into all truth.
Vision. I see Jesus and myself walking hand-in-hand up a small incline in a field.
Jesus. Put that notebook down and just enjoy My presence.
Me. The notebook represents all the questions I have for God to answer.
Jesus. Enjoy My presence. Be a Mary.
Me. Again. I am at a loss for what that feels like.
Jesus. You like to read books.
Me. I think, yes.
Jesus. You spend a lot of your free time reading a book. I have no objection to that. They are carefully selected to rule out anything unpleasing. It is time we can do the same together. Just have fun together. No questions. No concerns. Just enjoy each other’s company. Can you do that, Anne?
Me. Yes. I look forward to it.
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