A New Day Dawns as the Morning Star ARISES in Our Hearts
Interview with Joshua Mills on Creative Glory
What is the Holy Spirit saying about the biblical year 5783?
two way journaling
At His Feet – Journaling Prayer by LaWanda
Healed through two-way journaling
Healed of Terminal Cancer - Testimony by Rick Calhoun
Revival is here in India
Bless Your Marriage by CELEBRATING Your Differences - by Linda Garmon
Peace and Health in the Midst of Tribulation
Socrates, great philosopher, lauded for his wisdom, Test of Three, true, good or useful,...
The appearing of God\'s bride is paramount. She is the key to the greatest revival the...
God has His eye is on Asia in this hour. The church in Asia is rising up as a mighty force of...
Speaking Your Journaling Back to the Lord as Your Personal, Present-Tense Reality
Keys to Resolving Conflicts
Expand by listening to 5-fold counsel
look at the places where your life, hopes and dreams are being stolen, where they are being...
Jesus LOVES Molding Us Into Vessels Fit for the Master’s Use
Are You Experiencing 20/20 Vision?
Two way journaling
Every Act of Obedience Puts Satan on Notice - Journaling Prayer by LaWanda
A Dream of Unforgiveness
Forget the Past And Let Your Light Shine - Two-Way Journaling by Charles Cooper
Prophetic Word Through Flavien Williams
4 keys to hearing God's voice
Learning from great Christians in history