Author: Patricia King
By Patricia King
In a day when the economy is shaky, many are finding themselves with huge debt loads. Foreclosures, maxed out credit cards, and bankruptcies are common in many American communities and individuals all over the nation are overwhelmed and confused while feeling helpless and hopeless. In order to prepare for the days to come we must make plans to get out of debt. Do you have debt that is overwhelming you? If so, you can look forward to a victorious future.
In my recent book, Help God, I'm Broke!, I give detailed insight on how to live as an over-comer in the financial arena of life. God created you to be fruitful and to multiply and He wants you to have all your needs met each and every day. Help God, I'm Broke! goes into detail on how to step into that fullness but the following are a few tips and principles to help you get out of debt. Those who practice these tips are given hope for a glorious financial future.
Faith God is greater than any problem you are facing right now and He loves you and He wants to help you – He really does. Call out to Jesus and let Him lead you one day at a time. He will strengthen and encourage you. I know many who have received miracles of supernatural debt cancellation. One individual I know had over $50,000 worth of debt dissolved within a week of trusting God for a miracle. All things are possible -- only believe! In Help God, I'm Broke!, I cover teaching on how to posture yourself for your financial miracle. Be expectant each day for an intervention from the Lord. He will give you everything you need – wisdom, grace, and favor will help you along your journey. All things are possible – only believe! (Mark 10:27)
Don’t Worry – Be Happy Your attitude is everything! It is important to create a positive environment around your life. Negativity, worry, fear, and depression will simply breed more of the same. You will be amazed at what a positive perspective will do. Look at the situation you are in as an opportunity to grow in wisdom and faithfulness. You will come through! Your situation can be a stumbling block or a steppingstone for you depending on your choices. Think on things that are good and positive. Wake up each morning with a fresh optimistic attitude and don’t look back. (Philippians 4:8)
One Day at a Time – One Step at a Time I was walking up a long, steep, hill one day on my way home from shopping. When I looked at how far I still had to walk and the intensity of the grade, I got overwhelmed and felt that I couldn’t make it. I lost strength as I even thought of the challenge of walking up the steep grade. I actually wanted to walk down to the bottom of the hill and call a cab. I was about to do that when the Holy Spirit spoke a word into my mind, “Don’t look at the hill; look only at the next step in front of you and take one step at a time.” That is exactly what I did and I made it to the top seemingly with very little effort. That is how you can get out of debt too -- one day at a time and one step at a time.
Avoid “get-rich-quick-schemes” like fast return investments, lotteries, or gambling that promise you to win the big mother-load that will pay everything off in the twinkling of an eye. These things are simply traps for more debt and loss and it is a proven fact that most people who have quick “wins” like that are right back where they started from within a year or two. Remember, slow and steady wins the race and commit to learning valuable lessons on the journey.
Live Within Your Means It is obvious that if you only make $1,500 per month but you are spending $1800 per month that you will slide into increased debt load each month. You must live within your means and that will take some careful, intentional, budgeting and some sacrifice. In Help God, I'm Broke! I share many examples of how to cut back, save money, and still live well while paying off debt.
Create Revenue Streams Look for other ways to create revenue. Perhaps take in a border, walk dogs, babysit, or get an extra part time job until the debt is paid off. Diligence and faithfulness are important. I heard one gentleman say that he would never work for under $25 per hour. Well, you might need to swallow your pride and take what is available. Be faithful and diligent. These attributes when developed will help you enjoy a lifetime of fruitfulness and success.
Obtain Financial Counsel Find a financially successful friend or a proven professional who can help you with wise financial counsel. You might be able to consolidate some payments or research options such as special programs or grants to assist you.
Sow One of the greatest keys for living in successful kingdom economy is sowing financial seed into good soil. You reap what you sow (Galatians 6:7). If you so nothing, you will reap nothing. When you sow financial seed into ministries of integrity, you will reap the reward of kingdom advancement in addition to the increase on your seed. Isaac sowed seed in a time of famine and reaped 100 fold in that year, was blessed, and became very wealthy. (Genesis 26:12,13)
Be Encouraged Don’t be discouraged. You will be surprised at how quickly things can turn around for you if you start eating that elephant of debt one bite at a time. Don’t look back. It is time to step into your glorious future. Jesus has promised!
Help God, I'm Broke! is a must read for all who desire financial freedom and debt cancelation. Patricia King is a fruitful minister of the gospel, successful owner of four flourishing businesses, and an inventive entrepreneur. She is an accomplished itinerant speaker, author, television host, and media producer and has given her life fully to Jesus Christ and to His Kingdom’s advancement.
To order Help God I’m Broke, click here.
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