Author: Mark Virkler
I never in my wildest imagination would have thought God would be so interested in talking with me as often as He does. It's chipping away at the stronghold of religion one dream at a time.” – Chelsey Gowins
I love hearing stories of what God is doing in your hearts while you sleep, and this recent testimony is no exception! Chelsey Gowins is a beautiful and beloved dreamer who wasn’t sure she should even be involved in night visions or interpretation. Yet God broke through, touched her heart and is transforming her life one dream at a time. Here is her powerful story, used with permission, and in her own words.
“Hearing God Through Your Dreams Changed My Life”
Hi Charity!
I just wanted to write to you - I am sure you get these messages all the time - to thank you for writing Hearing God Through Your Dreams. I've dreamed for as long as I can remember, but I didn't know it was God speaking to me until just a few years ago. But even then, I thought only the most "obvious God-dreams" were from God, and all the other dreams were just my weird brain or ice cream too close to bedtime.
A friend recommended your book recently and said, "It will become your favorite book". So I bought it and I began to read it. And I gotta admit, when I first started reading it, my religious background spoke up and said, "This book is kinda out there, I don't know about it." So I stopped reading it and moved on to something else.
A short time later, for some reason I felt compelled to pick it back up and start reading it again. This time, when I did, everything clicked and suddenly my dreams started to come alive and have meaning! Dreams that I would have dismissed as "having no meaning," I started journaling and I find often times that even if I have no clue what they mean when I wake up, as I am writing them down Holy Spirit starts giving me the interpretation.
Example, there is something I have struggled with in my emotions for many years, and I have gotten a couple of words from prophetic people about getting healing for it. Well, one day I was thinking about that struggle, and that night I had a dream that I approached my boss and told her I wasn't feeling well.
She had a bouquet of thyme in her hand, and she said, "You need this to get better," yet she only handed me a few sprigs, not the whole bouquet.
When I woke up, I thought it meant nothing but decided to journal it anyway, and as I am journaling, I realize that my boss represented the Lord (spiritual authority) and thyme was a play on words for "time."
I felt like the Lord was encouraging me and showing me that what I was struggling with, takes time to heal but it wouldn't be much longer (hence just the few sprigs). And I have since gradually experienced more degrees of breakthrough and healing.
Because of your book, I am starting to see God as someone who actually cares about all the details of my life, and wants to help me and show me things. It's helping me see Him as a caring, present Father, and not the God of religion I always thought He was growing up. It’s incredible!
It IS my favorite book! I've already read it twice all the way through and I'm about due for a third. Thank you so much!
God bless you,
LOVE this! It makes my heart happy and I'm so proud of Chelsey. She pushed through the lies of religion to personally encounter her heavenly Father, and now she knows the truth: God is her biggest fan!
This was a fun example, too, as it demonstrated word play in dreams and how a seemingly simple dream isn’t strange at all. It’s just symbolic, and the message is sacred. So prophetic and profound!
The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy, and the inspiring takeaway is that if Holy Spirit did this for Chelsey, He wants to do the same for you too.
Thank You, God, for being such a good, good Father!
New Podcast Released
If you want to learn more about dreams you can start by checking out our latest podcast interview with Delve: Spirit + Truth.
My lovely host was Jenny Fain, who alongside her husband Casey, leads The Fold Church in Gainesville, Texas. Jenny had been through my teaching and has been living out of her dreams for years. This resulted in extremely insightful questions and dynamic conversation, and you can listen in here or on Amazon Music here.
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