Author: Mark Virkler
LaWanda - ♪♪ “O praise the name of the Lord our God. O praise His name forevermore. For endless days we will sing your praise, O Lord, O Lord our God.” ♪♪ O Jesus I praise your name.
What a glorious name it is. Creator of the Universe and all the billions of galaxies. And these are the things we know about. How much have you created that we have no knowledge of? More than we can imagine! Man thinks he is so smart because he figures something out, like AI, not realizing that it is YOU who have allowed him to do it! AND that these discoveries are only the tip of your iceberg. I can’t help but say it again, Lord, ♪♪ “O praise the name of the Lord our God. O praise His name forevermore. For endless days we will sing your praise, O Lord, O Lord our God.” ♪♪

I have been blessed today by listening to the 49 Lies DVDs by Mark Virkler, especially Lie #21 – It Is Wrong to Seek Vision. One of the things I got was to hold a vision that will inflame my faith and that will, of course, match the Word of God. I am excited about this Lord, because I realized that is what I have been doing since I started using The 4 Keys to journal my prayers. I have pictured you beside me every day and this has increased my faith, inflamed it even, with the TRUTH that you truly are Emmanuel, God with us but even more importantly, God with ME!!! How could I believe anything else when I have seen you with me in some form or fashion every day for the past 7 years? O Jesus, what a precious gift you have given me that I did not even realize.
Mark also mentioned that the picture we hold about anything will trump what we are speaking, even if it is the Word of God. When he said that, I immediately saw where I was confessing the Word for my healing but the picture in my mind did not match what I was speaking. Satan is so sneaky at sabotaging us. If he can’t entice us himself, he will get us to do it ourselves. And we don’t even realize it is happening. O thank you, Jesus, for these TRUTHS that you have revealed to me today.
I see you today, Lord, watching me. You are laughing, even clapping. You are rejoicing as I have discovered yet another of your TRUTHS that will change my life. Even as I saw how my Journaling Prayer daily created a picture of You as Immanuel, God with ME! That one revelation is golden… PRICELESS, as they say. I had no idea what you were doing. O Jesus, what other areas are you working miracles in that I am not aware of? O Lord Jesus, speak to me now.
Jesus – LaWanda, My dear one, I am laughing, clapping and even shouting, “Yes! Yes!” I delight in seeing you discover My truths. It is indeed My gift to you, My pleasure, to reveal it to you this very day.
However, I want you to notice something. You played a part in this. Remember that we are co-laborers together. If you had only come to the secret place to be with Me once or twice, even a few times, you would not have the KNOWING that I am your Emmanuel. You would know it in general terms but you would not see Me as YOUR Emmanuel. That only comes with consistency and commitment. The other part of this that was crucial is your commitment to your spiritual growth by listening to trusted men of God who have walked this path before you. Those to whom I have revealed these TRUTHS to, so that they can share them with others like you.
O My dear one, I have been at work behind the scenes in 1,000 different ways in your life since before you were you. You have 12 pages of them from recent years written down in your Ebenezers. Some of these are things I did for which you are simply grateful. But some are clearly ME working in situations when you were unaware of it. Like Mike’s pancreatitis that led to his stent. Your discovery of the Passion Translation because Mike was sharing his love of Hebrew with one of the pastors and they later gave it to him as a gift. Or you OFFICIATING 4 funerals in the past year. You clearly did not see that one coming. And, yet, I have been in all of them.
The key to continuing on this path of discovery is simple. Stay consistent in your communion with Me in the secret place. Continue to listen to men of God that you are drawn to knowing that I have orchestrated them being in your life. And finally, continue to be available to Me. Be obedient to what I put on your heart and available for Me to use. There is much truth in that old hymn, Trust and Obey.
♪♪ Trust and obey, for there’s no other way, to be happy in Jesus… but to trust and obey. ♪♪ There is truth in these words, dear one. Truth in these words.
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