by Dr. Robin Harfouche
Spirit Facts
You are a spirit, you have a soul, and you live in a body. You are not a walking brain. You are a spirit. Your born again spirit has been recreated according to God. It has been designed to rule or govern over every other part of your makeup. This doesn’t happen automatically. Your physical body and your soul (mind, will and emotions) need to be retrained according to the Word of God.
“And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind…” Romans 12:2a
The Child of God is instructed to renew their natural minds to the Word of God. A natural mind that is renewed has the ability to operate in the mind of Christ. They have trained their soul to maintain agreement with the frequency of heaven.
The Child of God who has not renewed their mind in a certain area, senses the world through the soul realm. They are governed by their five senses, not by the mind of Christ. They live from feeling to feeling, realigning their world view to fit their human experience. They are not governed by their recreated spirit. Why is this important?
I want you to understand how God created you and what part of your makeup needs a healing. You see, your body or your emotions may need a healing, but then the Word of God may penetrate into an area of your life and reveal a part of your will that needs to come in line with the Word of God.
The desire of heaven is for you to experience a complete healing in your life. God wants you to be whole, spirit, soul and body. In the coming chapters, you will receive a divine deposit. The light of revelation will dawn in your heart, and restoration will come to your total being.
Who Am I?
…and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
The Word of God is a discerner of the thoughts and the intents of your heart. Another way to describe the intent of the heart is your moral understanding. Your moral understanding is how you perceive the world and how you understand life based on your frame of reference. Your frame of reference is either your experiential knowledge or your understanding of the Word of God.
Why does that make a difference?
The Word of God will reveal things to you that have adversely affected your understanding of the world. Past experiences, hurts, and wounds may subconsciously thrust a person back into repeated patterns of defeat. The glass ceiling of experience can prevent a Child of God from participating in the God kind of life. These are things that you might not even know about, but they are holding you back from being the best woman that you could be in Jesus. Your moral understanding has to be reshaped and redefined by the Word of God. This happens through revelation. A Child of God must train their reasoning faculties to stand in agreement with their born again spirit.
Suggested Resource: Healing Of The Female Spirit
In 1986, God gave Dr. Robin a vision to train and equip a generation of 400,000 miracle workers for the final harvest of souls. Today, Dr. Robin travels the globe with her husband, Dr. Christian Harfouche, literally running to keep up with that divine mandate.
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