The kingdom of God is, righteousness, peace and JOY in the HOLY SPIRIT, when we have joy in God...
two way journaling
I sleep, but my heart is awake; it is the voice of my beloved! He knocks, saying, “ Open for...
how to know that a hurt is FULLY HEALED!
God, What Is Stillness? Journaling by Peter Halvorsen
FIRSTFRUITS are God\'s new hand-picked, forerunning leadership, special dedication to Him,...
Destruction and chaos
10 Therapeutic Modalities Scripture Reveals Lead to Health
As predicted and prophesied in Spring, the Summer would bring tremendous turmoil and it has...
Quarantine and Cleanliness: God’s Ideas or Just the Government's?
What Angels Are Doing Around the World Right Now
Behold Jesus
Lord, My Friend Died! I Thought She Was Being Healed!
Roaring Released an Intense Boldness in My Life by Karin R. da Silva
"I restore the crushed spirit of the humble and revive the courage of those with repentant...
NEW Weekend Seminar! Prophetic Healing Protocols
I Believed the Lie That I Should Test Spiritual Experiences Against My Theology
Every Cloud Has a Silver Lining
Grace Is His Power Effectively Released in Me by Ian Wilkinson
How God Healed My Panic Attacks by Isabelle Knockaert
Learn to Love Marketing
A Prophetic Word to the Church – Do NOT Forfeit Your Destiny!
What Is the Truth?
Prophetic Word for the month of JULY/TAMMUZ 2022
Thankfulness is the secret to maintaining the miraculous provision of God.
A Lieutenant Discusses Racial Discrimination Within the NYPD
Get Ready for God's Blessings to Appear by This Time Tomorrow