Author: Kim Clement
The End Is Near - But End Of What?
As predicted and prophesied in Spring, the Summer would bring tremendous turmoil and it has happened. God also showed me that during Summer, it would be President Obama’s greatest test. How many things have happened and it's only the middle of Summer! Israel, Gaza, Russia, Ukraine, Iraq and now the beheading of an American Journalist. Where is this all leading? Is this the end of time and the beginning of the final tribulation?
We are to know the times and the seasons and unless we do, we will be confused and controlled. Thankfully God is still speaking and because of this, we DO know the times and seasons. Missouri is the focus of the ‘Spirit’ world’s attention for very good reason. Many of you may not know that I stood in Missouri during the unleashing of the tornadoes in May 2011, and prophesied about a President that would arise out of the destruction in Missouri. Could this recent event simply be the spiritual reaction to the revelation of and fear of the emergence of a powerful spiritual and political leader that hell itself wants to prevent? This may still take years or even decades to unfold but remember the powers of darkness listen carefully to the words of the prophets. Before Moses emerged many children were killed and during the time of Jesus many children were killed. Something greater than what we see is happening and God will reveal this during the week.
I have a strong leading to fly to Ferguson, Missouri after the Den on Saturday, and conduct our regular prayer gathering on Sunday morning to pray and prophesypeace and righteousness into the region. Please pray with me about this as it is heavy on my heart today.
As I write this, news has come out that a fresh round ofrockets were launched from Gaza into Israel, shattering the ceasefire between Israel and Hamas. The world is applying more pressure on Israel not to respond decisively, and some nations of the West are even limiting the arms they normally supply Israel. Putin has recently formed unusual and strange alliances in retaliation against America. On Codebreakers, we will analyze prophetic insightspoken in advance regarding the Summer, tumultuous moments and this test that is at hand for President Obama.
Kim Clement
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