Author: Mark Virkler
Because of Covid-19, we have all been told to self-quarantine in our homes for a month. Wow! I am 68 and NEVER has our nation told us to do such a thing!
Some churches are not doing it. A church in Tampa last week held services, and the pastor was arrested.
Another pastor in Georgia conducted a funeral service a few weeks ago, not knowing he was infected with Covid-19, and now many who attended are infected and have passed it on to friends, and a number have died. How do you ever live with yourself knowing you have contributed such tragedy to so many families? Only the grace of God can allow you to forgive yourself and move on.
I spoke at a Bible school graduation in South America last summer and just received word two days ago that the lead pastor of this large church, who was also the president of this great Bible school, had just died of Covid-19.
So the pain is everywhere, and yes, I am staying home for the next month. God has given me projects to work on for spiritual growth and I’m sure He will for you also, if you simply ask.
Does God command quarantine and handwashing?
I know my government is telling us all to do it. Is it some sort of lack of faith if I follow the prescriptions of my government rather than trusting God to keep me safe and healthy?
It is NOT a lack of faith on my part. It is OBEDIENCE to the commands of Scripture, for God commanded the exact same thing as my government is demanding, and God did it several thousand years ago, well before all the scientific testing we have available today. So let’s read what God says…
'Now when the man with the discharge becomes cleansed from his discharge, then he shall count off for himself seven days for his cleansing; he shall then wash his clothes and bathe his body in running water and will become clean (Leviticus 15:13).
- Isolation: for 7 days
- Running water
- Becomes clean
Does that sound similar to what the government is requesting we do? I think so, although Covid-19 stays in your system longer than seven days so they want our quarantine to be longer than seven days, which makes sense. And the government is saying 20 seconds of running water and soap will remove the virus.
I truly do love it when modern science says God was right all along. Not that I need that to happen, as I believe the Bible is true. However, it is always nice to see the most modern scientific research confirming what God told us thousands of years ago.
So is it a lack of faith when I go into isolation? Am I supposed to be believing God will keep me no matter what I do? Actually I believe it is disobedience to the word of God and to our government to not honor the quarantine and the mandate to wash under running water. God sure didn’t think it was a lack of faith when He issued these commands. I do not believe it is a lack of faith for me to honor the clear commands of Scripture.
Do I live in fear? Absolutely not, for God has told me to believe. Belief releases His provision into my life, plus it turns on all the healing genes within my body. Fear brings me into agreement with satan and his demons, so I invite them to come and magnify my fear, and fear turns off all my healing genes, and turns on inflammatory genes. I choose to believe.
So I am isolating and washing my hands, I am working on the project God has told me to work on for this month, and I am living at peace, filled with faith and great hope for the future. I encourage you to do the same.
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