how Christians are to live when the “world economic and political systems” fall apart,God is...
Angels: My Personal Hegais
what’s lacking today in the church, why we’re not moving more aggressively into the miraculous...
Healed of Sexual Abuse Through Divine Encounter by Peg Yarbrough Rhone
I will let you soar, dance, be revived by my spirit wind by Linda Garmon
Heart Prayers: Employing the Language of Your Heart
time for Repentance, heart cleansing, important, takes away any ground from satan, gives us an...
5 MORE Tips for Improving Dream Recall
Weekend Round-up - Items That Caught My Interest During Week of 8/8/21
This is an excerpt from the book “I Hear the Sound of Abundance” by Doctor Christian Harfouche.
What Power Flowed from God through Jesus to Heal?
Are ALL Dreams from God? by Charity Kayembe & Mark Virkler
Which Is the Most Accurate Bible Translation to Meditate On?
Altogether Beautiful - Journaling from Zoe Ayrton, Our Newest CWG Certified Facilitator
God's Voice of Hope in an Age of Gloom
We didn’t choose to live in the season we are in. In spite of the challenges we are now facing,...
Are You One of the Majority of People Who Worry about Financial Issues?
But, you can go back 20 years to a word the Lord gave you and if it has not come to pass as of...
Therefore, whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man...
'I looked for someone among you who could build walls or stand in front of me by the gaps...
Wise Information Plus Action Removes Anxiety
How to operate in the 9 manifestation of the Holy Spirit
Each year on the Day of Atonement we set our self aside to receive revelation from the Lord for...
12 Steps to Ensure You Don’t Achieve Your Destiny
Is It OK to Continue to Dance with Jesus When So Much Evil Exists?
In Scripture, leprosy symbolizes sin, which infects the human spirit and spreads...
Many in the Body of Christ are currently experiencing this spiritual metamorphosis, cocoon of...