Barbara and Abigail Share Their Testimonies of Being Baptized in the Holy Spirit
Items Which Caught My Interest This Past Week
Stay healthy. Fulfill your destiny. A simple easy affordable solution to enhancing overall health.
Psychoneuroimmunology is the study of laughter, it is great for blood pressure, will make you...
Spiritual family ties
God anointed you with the oil of gladness, We are anointed with the Holy Spirit and joy, when we...
Bringing the voice of God to business
If there is anything that this world needs today, it is to see the Church living and walking in...
What Is the Key Trait of a False Teacher?
Two-way journaling
NFL player Benjamin Watson's Ferguson post on Facebook goes viral
Should Christians Be Involved in the Military? We Need Kings Like David.
Honor people better
Heart Prayers: Employing the Language of Your Heart
Angels We Have Heard on High
exciting time you live in right now, 2007, a Year of Vision and Dreams, the Lord is pouring out...
Satan's Passion to Steal God's Voice from Humanity
two way journaling
Instantaneous Miracles & Process Healing
Two way journaling
Checklist for Exploring Where Blessings and Curses Are Present in Your Life…
Prayer Worksheet to Resolve Brokenness Using Words of Knowledge
Confessions Which Allow Me to Live Naturally Supernatural
But today I remind you, and revive you, and awaken you, and lift you and elevate you to the fact...
Glory of this Latter House The peace of the Lord is with you. Haggai 2:9 says to us, “The...
I had suffered with Bulimia for 30 years