By Dr. Christian Harfouche
My Dear Friends,
We greet you in the powerful name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. What a wonderful, incredible hour of appointment we live in. On the 21st of August, on the 42nd day of fasting, marking 33 years of ministry, something incredibly spiritual took place.
As many of you may have heard, Jesus was witnessed walking on our platform, and taking our ministry's jurisdiction and dominion to another global level. I will be able to explain to you shortly some of the indescribable increases in the power, revelation, gifts, and clarity that the Spirit of God instantly deposited into our prophetic spirits that morning. That evening, when we supernaturally congregated with our global family worldwide, the prophetic mantle was so strong, that the entire body of believers could not sit down while the Lord ministered His Word.
The Spirit of the Lord has taken our ministry- your ministry, this end-time, global, supernatural, victorious church- to a level of dominion that has not been known since Jesus began building His Church-since His Holy Spirit was poured out on that great day at the upper room on Pentecost.
Your experience in God, promises Seven Supernatural Blessings that are not only contained in promise form in Psalm 91, but they are emphasized in 'now-fashion' through the supernatural power of the performing Holy Spirit. He will perform this Word in your life this year, and next year, in such a way that you will not be able to contain it.
Blessing #1: As your connection, covenant, partnership, prayer, sowing, and receiving with this increase-anointing continues, God will demonstrate in your life, His climate, His atmosphere, and the experience of dwelling in His realm, His house, and His world. That is your first blessing: abiding in God's protection. You will be oblivious to, and impregnable to, anything that is contrary to the will of God.
Blessing #2: You will experience the continuity of deliverance from any and all of your enemy's contradictions and plans for your life.
Blessing #3: The Lord will shield you. You will experience a supernatural shielding and protection from any opposition, so that you can focus on the work of God, paying no attention to the challenges, because you are shielded by an intensification of His anointing.
Blessing #4: There will be a surrounding and an engulfing by God's blessings. The blessings of God will overcome you, engulf you, and surround you.
Blessing #5:You will be victorious in your walk of faith. The enemies of your promises will be continually under your feet. There will be a dimension of boldness that will come to you as you boldly link hands with this new level of jurisdiction.
Blessing #6:You will be promoted in your spiritual walk. Many of us have prayers and have promises. We've asked and then we've been recipients of the promises of God. You have had prophetic words that have been spoken over your lives some things that are in the Word of God that have yet to come to pass. You are living in the moment of promotion in your spiritual walk. You are going to walk at the level that is consistent with the performance of your promise.
Blessing #7: God's seventh blessing for your life is satisfaction with your answered prayers; because they are answered exceeding abundantly above all that you can ask or think. He will satisfy you with long life. He will satisfy you with a good life. He will satisfy you with purposefulness. He will satisfy you with the accomplishment of the dream that He has put in your heart. He will satisfy you with the manifestation, the demonstration, the display, and the performance of every word declared and decreed, prophesied and preached, taught and elaborated upon through your ministry.
You have just become a partner with a higher level of jurisdiction. God has erased one sphere of influence of blessing in your life, and He has taken you to a larger sphere that is consistent with His indescribable end-time harvest.
You and I are partners together with God. I declare over you today, that as we march together in this International Miracle Institute Live Double Portion Year-looking forward to the promotion and the progress of the Kingdom of God-that the Seven Blessings will continue to overtake you in abundant, immediate, and continual 'God-like' fashion.
We love you and bless you in the Name of the Lord-and I want to teach and edify, in understanding, exactly what this promotion means and how you can continually walk in it-making the rest of your life, the best of your life.
Suggested Resource: Battles Of The Elohim
ABOUT THE AURHOR: As best selling author and founder of the International Miracle Institute, a fully accredited Bible education program, Dr. Harfouche has trained 100,000 students, leaders and pastors in over 170 nations. Together with his wife, Robin, he conducts miracle-soul winning crusades and conferences, touring multiple nations and cities each year. His television program, Miracles Today can be viewed worldwide.
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