Oh Great! According to National Averages My Life Is Essentially Over!
The Church Need Not Fear the Rise of Evil Men as God Will Deal with Them
Not only does God want to have a restored relationship with us, he wants us to have restored...
You are a spirit, you have a soul, and you live in a body. You are not a walking brain. You are...
New Zealand & Australia are coming into a season of abundant rain and the dry ground will...
The church has fallen hard for a teaching that puts lives at eternal risk. Here are five marks...
Which Bible Translation to Use and What Is the Role of the Spirit in Coming to Truth?
A Warning Dream + Two New Interviews
A Biblical Guide to Making Stupid Decisions
Life In The Spirit IS An Extraordinary Life!
In My Passion to Live by the Spirit, I Looked Up ALL 1400 Verses on Heart and Spirit
In a Confused World, Jesus Clearly Explains How One Can Come to TRUTH
Discover YOUR God-given path for success
Thankfulness is the secret to maintaining the miraculous provision of God.
What is the Holy Spirit saying about the biblical year 5783?
5 fold team ministry
My Confession of Who I Am in Christ
Can a Christian Be Demon-Possessed?
Revival by William Dupley
The Church Slept. Hitler Arose. Millions Died. Bonhoeffer Fought Back.
A Dream of Unforgiveness
What About Biblical Cautions Concerning Dreams? By Mark Virkler and Charity Kayembe
Revival is here in India
What 365 Biblical References to Angels Reveal
BLOCKED from LIVING the Bible? Here Is the “MISSING LINK” You've Been Searching For!
Many Use the 4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice Without Calling Them the 4 Keys
The Opportunity to Pray for One Another