Author: Mark Virkler
Journaling by Mary Goebel
If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink. He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water. But this He spoke concerning the Spirit (Jn. 7:37-39).
This blessing (of having rivers of living water flowing from our bellies) flows as one simply believes on Christ. The belief opens up the flow. Just as we eat food and that food is “dispersed” through nutritious rivers of blood, when we “eat” and partake of Christ, rivers of light flow out of us to heal, lift, and nourish. This river of life also heals those around us. The source is Jesus Christ.
Mary: Why is flow out of the belly?
Because our bellies will be satisfied and full, full enough to continue to overflow in the service and blessing toward others. Stay “plugged in” to the source. Don’t just fill a jug and go. The constant companionship of the Holy Spirit is evidence of a “flowing river”. Some people think that great service, fasting, or gospel study are required to get into flow, but even simple acts like smiling, waving, or saying hello can be equal to the greater acts. Here is the thing, just having this river alive and flowing is a great service to your fellow man.
Think of Leonora Burgess (I.e. A woman I met in my youth who was so full of love, I began to cry when I walked into her room just from the feeling around her!). The flow was so strong from her that you were blessed, warmed, and healed by it just by entering into her presence! Don’t be fooled into thinking you must do great acts of service to your fellow man to please me or bless others. Just be in this river.
Allow it to consume you so that walking into a room will drive all darkness and warm, encourage, and lift those in your presence. One only need touch or be touched by the light of someone filled with Holy Spirit to be blessed. Acts are great, but the light/Spirit is what truly softens and heals hearts. Be content to be filled to overflowing and others will be blessed as a “side effect”.
Mary: This seems so simple. I’ve been taught all my life to “do” good. I sang a song as a child with the verse “teach me all that I must DO to live with Him someday”.
Yes, and that was an important step in your progression. As Mark said, “doing” the law teaches us that we are utterly incapable of keeping the law. You’ve learned of your need for a Savior by trying to “do”. Perfection is achieved as you become one with me, just as I achieved it by being one with the Father. I have waited a long time for you to realize this truth. Let go of the law and be one with me. This transition will be the key to having the river of flowing water fill you.
This is the Kingdom of Heaven. Can you see it? This process not only brings heaven to you, but to the earth as well. This relationship and river literally brings heaven to earth. Part of your responsibility in keeping the river flowing through and out of you is allowing it to flow through you (coming out), or shine in order to bless others.
For flow to happen anywhere in nature, there has to be movement. My light and love must pass through you to others as well as all of God’s creation. My supply is absolutely endless. The more that you radiate out, the more that can flow in. Don’t be a flow hoarder. There is no end to flow, which is light, love, wisdom. It is My spirit. Remember, allowing rivers of water to flow from your belly can be as simple as loving God’s creations and His children. Don’t be tricked by the dark lies of the cunning one which shouts that you must build an orphanage, save the world, or heal the sick to be of service. “Loving” is healing and serving all.
Mary: I feel confused
Mary, others may feel called to do those important things, but your calling is to love all of God’s creation. You will be instructed further as time goes on.
Mary: Were more people blessed by your presence than actually received formal healing during your mortal time on earth?
You are quick to learn. Many began to heal on deeper more eternally important levels when they came into my presence. I came upon the earth at a time of great spiritual drought and corruption. Truly, a famine was upon the land and many of the more righteous suffered greatly. Many people followed me sensing that they were being filled and restored. This deeper healing often led to physical healing but came more gradually than the “formal” healings recorded in scripture.
Mary: Can there be physical healing without deeper spiritual healing?
Never. True healing and the sort I work with involves complete, total, and absolute alignment of body and spirit. The physical body will never shift into a state of healing if the underlying spiritual problem is not addressed. The body is a witness to the inner condition.
P.S. Mary is taking the course, Hearing God’s Voice. Book: 4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice.
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