Author: Mark Virkler
Life hits us with many encounters of pain and failure. We create beliefs and make promises to ourselves based on these encounters. If we don’t hear from Jesus while developing these beliefs, they are most likely wrong and destructive to our beings. It is like we have a broken part within us that is separate from the rest of us. For example, I may normally be fun-loving and carefree, but when it comes to this one issue, I am fearful and anxious. The one issue could be things like: losing weight, providing an income, honoring and cherishing myself and my children. So I am splintered into various fragmented parts.
Broken parts within us may manifest such emotions as:
- Judgmental, critical thoughts, deep subconscious resentments toward people and experiences of the past
- Trying to control life, lack of security, feels that one must struggle for success, power or position
- Feels defeated, “don't care what happens to me” attitude
- Disloyal to self, leaving self out to please someone else
- Unworthiness, feelings of inadequacy, depression, yearning, feeling bored
- Fear, anxiety, nervousness, not wanting to give in to authority
- Unhappy feelings, fear of aging, emotional confusion
- Disharmonious male and female emotional relationships
Jesus speaks through journaling:
There are many broken parts within each individual…
- You are to present those parts to Me to heal
- To remove the negative energy from the broken part
- To restore that broken part as a healthy integrated piece of your entire being
For example, if you present to Me the broken part that is filled with the energy of fear…
- I heal the wound
- The energy of fear is dissipated by Me
- I restore that broken piece back to you healed. It is now that part which is courageous.
Another example – that broken part which doesn’t care, which feels defeated
- I cleanse the negative emotions as you present them to Me and I restore passion and usefulness to these emotions, so once again, you can be adventurous.
- Breathe out the negative and see Me sweeping it clean. Breathe in My Spirit of passion and adventure.
- Embrace the new - Welcome the passion and adventure. Embrace this new part of you. Smile upon it. Speak your thanksgiving for this wonderful new and restored piece within you, and it will be yours. Celebrate passion and adventure and it is yours. Put your arms around it. Ask where it wants to go, where it wants to take you. Now let Me speak to you and show you the new path we will take you on….
- Keep journaling allowing God to show you specifics…
Application: Present a broken part to Jesus, asking Him to heal and restore it to its proper place
- See Jesus healing the wound and cleansing the negative energy out. Breathe out deeply a couple of times.
- See Jesus integrating the part back into your personality, with a new positive spin to it. Through journaling, let Jesus describe the new positive way it will be used in your life moving forward, and journal this out. Take the time to receive specific pictures and instructions from the Lord.
- Embrace this new direction, honoring it, celebrating it and affirming it and your commitment to moving forward in this new way.
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