Author: Zoe Ayrton
Zoe Ayrton is our newest Communion With God certified facilitator. She can be enlisted to share the 4 keys to hearing God’s voice with your group. Below is some of her two-way journaling.
Bless your region by inviting one of our many certified facilitators, who may already be in your area, to come and train on How to Hear God’s voice. The cost should be very affordable as these facilitators are already in your area.
God - You are my darling there is no flaw in you. ALL beautiful you are from head to toe. What you would call flaws are tailor-made weaknesses that I help you work with ...did you know that I made you with those on purpose. It’s not your job to work on them, it’s your job to lean, when you see them lean.
Your beauty, those flaws are a gift an opportunity to get to know me more else you wouldn’t need me and we would have little relationship. My kids learn more in adversity than you know, not because I want to hurt them but because through it I liberate them. I love you, as far as I’m concerned you have no flaws, just great opportunities to come to me and partner with me for your life.
Lie: you are not doing enough
Truth: you are doing enough
Lie: there’s something wrong with you
Truth: no temptation comes to you that is not common to man
All beautiful you are there is no flaw in you
Even on your worst day you are still beautiful because you are open to me changing you. What makes you beautiful is not your perfection it’s your willingness to let me in.
It’s about time you started to see the beauty not the flaws. The ‘flaws’ as you call them are excuses to bring you to me, draw you into deeper relationship with me. No temptation comes to you that is not common to man. Today I want you to praise me because you are fearfully and wonderfully made.
Not by might nor by power but by my spirit says the Lord.
Where I call, I equip. So don’t worry!! I don’t call you to something and then leave you.
- Let me be your focus - let’s keep talking
- Celebrate the things you do
- Take time to celebrate what you are doing
Click here for a 1 hour video of Zoe teaching through th 4 keys to hearing God’s voice
Location: Yukon Territory, Canada Email: [email protected]
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